

Opening Session

Oral Presentations

Welcome and Official Opening of the Workshop
J. Dow
abstract presentation paper

Welcome from the University of Berne
U. Würgler

abstract presentation paper

Welcome from the IAG
G. Beutler

abstract presentation paper


Session 1: IGS Reference Frame Maintenance

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: IGS Reference Frame Maintenance
R. Ferland, G. Gendt, T. Schöne
abstract presentation paper

Environmental Issues and Monumentation
Y. Bock
abstract presentation paper

Current Challenges of Monitoring Station Height with GPS
D. Dong, M. Heflin
abstract presentation paper

IERS Rigorous Inter-Technique Combination Implications to IGS
M. Rothacher, D. Thaller, R. Schmid, P. Steigenberger
abstract presentation paper

Detection and Handling of EPN Station Irregularities
C. Bruyninx, G. Carpentier, F. Roosbeek, A. Kenyeres
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

Contribution to EUREF of the ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) Matera Space Geodesy Centre "G.Colombo" (CGS)
C. Ferraro, A. Nardi, G. Bianco, F. Vespe
abstract poster paper

Discontinuities in the IGS Tracking Stations Coordinate Time Series
P. J. Mendes Cerveira, R. Weber
abstract poster paper

GPS Time Series and Sea Level
M. Poutanen, H. Koivula, M. Tervo, K. Kahma, M. Ollikainen, H. Virtanen
abstract poster paper

Hafelekar GPS Permanent Station Seasonal Monitoring
G. Stangl, C. Haslinger, E. Cristea
abstract poster paper

IGS Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring Pilot Project
T. Schöne
abstract poster paper

Processing, Combination and Time Series Analysis of Continuous GPS Data: A Test Study
M. E. Ayhan, C. Demir, A. Kilicoglu, A. Cingoz, B. Aktug, A. Kurt, H. Yildiz
abstract poster paper


Session 2: Other Reference Frame Issues

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: IGS Reference Frames: Status and Future Improvements
J. Ray, D. Dong, Z. Altamimi
abstract presentation paper

Observations of Large-scale Frame Deformations and Related Effects
T. Herring
abstract presentation paper

Relationships Between Mass Redistribution, Station Position, Geocenter, and Earth Rotation: Results from IGS GNAAC Analysis
G. Blewitt
abstract presentation paper

Tests of IGS Reference Frame Stability
Z. Altamimi, J. Ray
abstract presentation paper

The Effect of the Second Order GPS Ionospheric Correction on Receiver Positions
S. Kedar, G. Hajj, B. Wilson, M. Heflin
abstract presentation paper

Improving IGS Timescale Stability and Tracking of UTC
K. Senior, J. Ray
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

P. Pesec
abstract poster paper

CODE High-rate GPS Satellite Clock Corrections
H. Bock, R. Dach, U. Hugentobler, S. Schaer, G. Beutler
abstract poster paper

Continuously Operating GPS Receivers at Thule, Greenland
S. A. Khan, F. B. Madsen, P. Knudsen
abstract poster paper

IENG: A New IGS Station in Italy
V. Pettiti, D. Orgiazzi
abstract poster paper

Reprocessing of the Global GPS Network: First Results
M. Rothacher, P. Steigenberger, R. Dietrich, M. Fritsche, A. Rülke
abstract poster paper

Rigorous Combination of GPS and VLBI to Study Reference Frame Related Issues
M. Krügel, V. Tesmer, D. Angermann, D. Thaller, M. Rothacher, R. Schmid
abstract poster paper

Seasonal Height Errors and the TRF
A. E. Niell
abstract poster paper

Swedish Activities During 10 Years as a Data Provider and Customer of the IGS: Geophysical and Geodedetic Applications
J. Johansson, H.-G. Scherneck, M. Lidberg, R. Haas, S. Bergstrand, L. Jivall
abstract poster paper

The Impact of Auto- and Cross-correlations in Daily Solution Time Series of GPS Permanent Stations
R. Barzaghi, A. Borghi, M. Crespi, F. Giannone, G. Pietrantonio, F. Riguzzi
abstract poster paper


Session 3: Real Time Aspects

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: Real-Time Data Flow and Product Generation for GNSS
R. Muellerschoen, M. Caissy
abstract presentation paper

IGS Real-time Network Prototype
M. Caissy
abstract presentation paper

Real Time Aspects, the JPL Perspective
R. Muellerschoen
abstract presentation paper

Global Products for GPS Point Positioning Approaching Real-Time
Y. Gao, P. Heroux, M. Caissy
abstract presentation paper

The EUREF-IP Ntrip Broadcaster: Real-time GNSS data for Europe
D. Dettmering, G. Weber
abstract presentation paper

ESA/ESOC Real Time Infrastructure
C. Garcia, J. Dow, J. Perez, I. Romero
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

A HTTP Based Technique for Streaming GNSS Data over the Internet
H. Gebhard
abstract poster paper

GFZ's Development of GPS Real-Time Network
R. Galas, W. Köhler
abstract poster paper

Impact of Imperfect Orbit on Ground-based GPS Atmospheric Sounding Applications
P. Fang, Y. Bock, S. Gutman
abstract poster paper

Real-Time IGS Protocol, Formats and Software Tools
K. MacLeod, M. Caissy, R. Fong, B. Twilley, J. P. Bartolome, C. Garcia-Martinez, R. Galas, R. Muellerschoen
abstract poster paper

Real-Time Wide-Area Differential GPS Corrections from Natural Resources Canada
P. Collins, F. Lahaye, K. MacLeod, Y. Mireault, P. Héroux
abstract poster paper

Swedish Activities During 10 Years as a Data Provider and Customer of the IGS: Realtime Applications
C. Rieck, P. Jarlemark, R. Emardson, J. Johansson, B. Stoew, A. Frisk
abstract poster paper


Session 4: Network Issues

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: Network Issues
A. Moore, C. Bruyninx, R. Twilley
abstract presentation paper

IGS Network Issues 2002-2004, Update Since Ottawa Workshop
M. Schmidt, A. Moore
abstract presentation paper

Status of AFREF Project
Z. Altamimi
abstract presentation paper

North Eurasian GPS Deformation Array, History and Current State
G. Steblov
abstract presentation paper

Working with the IGS Network: The ESA/ESOC Experience
I. Romero, C. Garcia, J. Dow
abstract presentation paper

South Pacific Regional GPS Network
B. Twilley
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

Activities of the Astrogeodetic Observatory in Jozefoslaw in the Last Decade
J. B. Rogowski, J. Bogusz, M. Figurski, M. Kłęk, M. Kruczyk, L. Kujawa, W. Kurka, T. Liwosz
abstract poster paper

EPN Network Coordination
C. Bruyninx, G. Carpentier, F. Roosbeek
abstract poster paper

EUPOS - a new European Initiative of Establishment of the Multifunctional Reference Station System in Central and Eastern European Countries
J. Sledzinski
abstract poster paper

Korean GPS Network (KGN) Activities
P.-H. Park, K.-D. Park, J.-U. Park
abstract poster paper

On the use of Non-Permanent GPS Stations for Geokinematics
J. Krynski, Y. M. Zanimonskiy
abstract poster paper

South Pacific Regional GPS Network
B. Twilley, J. Manning, R. Govind
abstract poster paper

Sub-Daily Site Coordinates Variations in EUREF Permanent Network
J. Hefty, M. Kovac, M. Igondova, M. Hrcka
abstract poster paper

UNAVCO Support to the GPS Global Network (GGN) and the International GPS Service
O. Ruud, D. Stowers, S. Fisher, C. Meertens, V. Andreatta
abstract poster paper


Session 5: Data Transfer and Data Centers

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: Enhancing the IGS Data and Products Infrastructure – A Data Center Perspective
M. Scharber, C. Noll
abstract presentation paper

Addition of Real-Time Capability to the Japanese Dense GPS Network
Y. Hatanaka, A. Yamagiwa, M. Iwata, S. Otaki
abstract presentation paper

The Role of IGS Data Centers and Real-Time Data
R. Muellerschoen, M. Caissy
abstract presentation paper

New and Adapted Technologies for the Plate Boundary Observatory
G. Anderson, K. Bohnenstiehl, D. Mencin, M. Jackson
abstract presentation paper

New Server Concept at the BKG Data Centre
H. Habrich
abstract presentation paper

SOPAC IT Developments
Y. Bock, P. Fang, B. Gilmore, P. Jamason, D. Malveaux, R. Nikolaidis, L. Prawirodirdjo, M. Scharber
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

Availability and Completeness of IGS/IGLOS Tracking Data
S. Schaer, M. Meindl
abstract poster paper

ESA / ESOC IGS Activities
J. Dow, C. Garcia, I. Romero, J. Feltens, R. Gautschi, J. Perez, E. Rojo, H. Boomkamp
abstract poster paper

Proposing to Host the Fourth Global Data Center at Korea Astronomy Observatory
P.-H. Park, K.-D. Park, J.-U. Park, H.-C. Lim, J.-H. Joh
abstract poster paper

The CERGOP2 Database - Information for Geodynamic in Central Europe
G. Stangl, P. Pesec, E. Cristea
abstract poster paper

The IGS Global Data Center at the CDDIS – An Update
C. Noll, M. Dube
abstract poster paper


Session 6: Integrity Monitoring of IGS Products

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: Integrity Monitoring of IGS Products
J. F. Zumberge, H.-P. Plag
abstract presentation paper

GNSS Integrity Concept
B. Lobert
abstract presentation paper

Products Produced Under the Direction of the AC Coordinator: Processes, Accuracies and Quality Control
G. Gendt
abstract presentation paper

The Use and Integrity Monitoring of IGS Products at Geoscience Australia
R. Govind, J. Dawson, J. Manning
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

Modelling of GPS Satellite Clocks and Comparisons of IGU Clock Products
V. Bröderbauer, R. Weber
abstract poster paper

Routine GPS Data Quality Check at GFZ Potsdam
M. Ramatschi, R. Galas
abstract poster paper

Zero Difference Residuals for Multipath Maps and ZTD Quality Indication
B. Gundlich, H. van der Marel
abstract poster paper


IGS 10th Anniversary Symposium

International GPS Service and International Association of Geodesy

The Accomplishments of the IGS and their Implications on the Future of Geodesy
G. Beutler
abstract presentation paper

The IGS Strategic Plan and Future
J. Dow
abstract presentation paper

Role of IGS - National Mapping Agency Perspective
B. Engen, N. Beck
abstract presentation paper

Scientific Research and Applications

Earth Science Research and Applications: Geodetic Infrastructure as Enabling Technology
A. Donnellan
abstract presentation paper

Forecast Systems Laboratory: Transferring Science and Technology to Operational Weather Services
B. Serafin
abstract presentation paper

Gravity and Satellite Missions
C. Reigber
abstract presentation paper

Monitoring Crustal Deformation in an Island Arc
K. Heki
abstract presentation paper

GNSS Systems

GPS Policy, Management & Modernization
D. Turner
abstract presentation paper

Galileo and the European Developments
J. Tjaden
abstract presentation paper

The Galileo Programme Status
S. Houg
abstract presentation paper

Developments of the Glonass System and Glonass Service
S. G. Revnivykh
abstract presentation paper

International Cooperation, Education and Outreach

US – EU Cooperation
K. Hodgkins
abstract presentation paper

GNSS- The International Future: Building Upon the Synergy Between the Work of COPUOS and Capacity-building Activities of the UN Programme on Space Applications
K. Hodgkins
abstract presentation paper

Industry Perspectives on IGS Collaboration, Impact and Influence – Past, Present and Future
G. T. Johnston
abstract presentation paper

The IGS and the Education of the Next Generation of Users
C. Rizos
abstract presentation paper

Kinematics of Deformation in the Tibetan Plateau and its Margins Constrained by GPS Measurements
P.-Z. Zhang, Z. Niu
abstract presentation paper

Improving the GPS L1 Signal
T. Stansell
abstract presentation paper

Panel – Visions for the Future

Summary of the IGS Symposium and Panel Discussion – “Visions for the Future”
R. Neilan
abstract presentation paper


Session 7: Global Navigation Satellite Systems I

Oral Presentations

GNSS Modernization
D. Turner
abstract presentation paper

Timing Applications for GNSS – IGS Partnership with the BIPM
E. Felicitas Arias, G. Petit
abstract presentation paper

Risk Mitigation in the Ground Mission Segment Using the Galileo System Test Bed
M. Falcone, M. Lugert
abstract presentation paper

GSTB-V1: The First Step Towards the Development of Galileo Navigation Algorithms
Á. M. García, M. Romay Merino, C. H. Medel, A. Cezón Moro
abstract presentation paper

The IGS GNSS Working Group – Charter and Plans
R. Weber
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

A Software Tool to Evaluate Navigation Performances at Application Level
A. Gavin
abstract poster paper


Session 8: Global Navigation Satellite Systems II

Oral Presentations

The ITRF/Galileo Interface
C. Boucher
abstract presentation paper

Time and Frequency Transfer Using GNSS
P. Defraigne, C. Bruyninx, A. Moudrak, F. Roosbeek
abstract presentation paper

GPS/GLONASS Antennas and Ground Planes: Size and Weight Reduction Perspectives
D. Tatarnikov, V. Filippov, I. Soutiaguine, A. Astahov, A. Stepanenko
abstract presentation paper

The IGLOS Pilot Project – Transitioning an Experiment into an Operational Service
J. Slater, R. Weber, E. Fragner
abstract presentation paper

GNSS Analysis at CODE
S. Schaer, U. Hugentobler, R. Dach, M. Meindl, H. Bock, C. Urschl, G. Beutler
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

C/A Code Biases in High-end Receivers
A. Simsky, J.-M. Sleewaegen
abstract poster paper

GLONASS Data Analysis for IGS
H. Habrich, P. Neumaier, K. Fischer
abstract poster paper

Impact of Galileo on Geodetic Positioning Applications
H. van der Marel, S. Verhagen, P. Joosten
abstract poster paper


Session 9: Precise Orbit Determination

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: Bigger, Better, Faster POD
H. Boomkamp, R. König
abstract presentation paper

High-performance Algorithms for Double Difference Data Processing
H. Boomkamp, J. Dow
abstract presentation paper

Combined Solutions GPS+LEO
R. König, C. Reigber, S. Zhu
abstract presentation paper

Aspects of Large Station Networks for GPS Orbits and Clocks
T. Herring
abstract presentation paper

Routine Processing of Combined Solutions for GPS and GLONASS at CODE
U. Hugentobler, S. Schaer, R. Dach, M. Meindl, C. Urschl
abstract presentation paper

Ultra-rapids and Ultra-rapids Predictions for GPS
J. Douša, L. Mervart
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

GPS LEO POD Activity at CGS (Space Geodesy Centre “G. Colombo”)
A. Nardi, G. Bianco
abstract poster paper

Activities at the CODE Analysis Center
S. Schaer, U. Hugentobler, R. Dach, M. Meindl, H. Bock, C. Urschl, A. Jaeggi,
P. Fridez, G. Beutler

abstract poster paper

A High Precision Analytical Surface Force Model For GPS Block IIR Satellites
M. Ziebart, S. Adhya, A. Sibthorpe, S. Edwards, P. Cross
abstract poster paper

High and Low POD Using GPS at CNES/GRGS
S. Loyer, F. Perosanz, S. Bruinsma, F. Mercier
abstract poster paper

Orbit Determination of Low Earth Satellites at AIUB
A. Jäggi, H. Bock, U. Hugentobler, G. Beutler
abstract poster paper

NRCan Analysis Centre Contributions to the IGS: 1994 – 2004
B. Donahue, Y. Mireault, C. Huot, P. Tétreault, J. Kouba
abstract poster paper

Kinematic Orbits for LEO Satellites - a New Product
D. Svehla, M. Rothacher
abstract poster paper

USNO Analysis Strategy Summary
V. J. Slabinski, J. R. Rohde, M. S. Carter, A. E. Myers, D. Pascu, W. H. Wooden
abstract poster paper

Large Scale GPS Processing at ESOC for LEO, GNSS and Real-Time Applications
H. Boomkamp, J. Dow
abstract poster paper

IGS LEO Pilot Project
H. Boomkamp
abstract poster paper

Kinematic LEO POD with Space- and Ground-Based Transceiver Constellation Tightly Coupled with GPS: Simulation Study
D. Grejner-Brzezinska, M. Bevis, C.-K. Hong, T.-S. Bae, J. LaMance, C. Rizos
abstract poster paper

IGS Analysis Center at GFZ Potsdam
M. Ge, F. Zhang, M. Ramatschi
abstract poster paper


Session 10: Antenna Effects

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: From Relative to Absolute Antenna Phase Center Corrections
R. Schmid, G. Mader, T. Herring
abstract presentation paper

New Anechoic Chamber Results and Comparison with Field and Robot Techniques
B. Görres, J. Campbell, M. Siemes, M. Becker
abstract presentation paper

Estimation and Validation of the IGS Absolute Antenna Phase Center Variations
M. Ge, G. Gendt
abstract presentation paper

Impact of Absolute Antenna Phase Center Corrections on Global GPS Solutions
R. Schmid, D. Thaller, P. Steigenberger, M. Rothacher, M. Krügel
abstract presentation paper

The Effect of SCIGN Domes on the Vertical Phase Centre Position in Routine Processing of GPS Data
H. Dragert, M. Schmidt
abstract presentation paper

Local Monitoring of a Fundamental GPS Site
M. Rothacher, V. Lechner, W. Schlüter
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

Absolute Field Calibration of Carrier Phase Multipath
F. Dilßner, G. Seeber, U. Feldmann, G. Wübbena, M. Schmitz, M. Bachmann
abstract poster paper

The Effect of SCIGN Domes on the Vertical Phase Centre Position in Routine Processing of GPS Data
H. Dragert, M. Schmidt
abstract poster paper

The Impact of the PCV Parameters in the Coordinates Estimate
R. Barzaghi, A. Borghi
abstract poster paper


Session 11: Ground-Based Neutral Atmosphere and Ionosphere Sounding

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: IGS Ionosphere WG Status Report: Performance of IGS Ionosphere TEC Maps
M. Hernández-Pajares
abstract presentation paper

Position Paper: IGS Tropospheric Products and Services at a Crossroad
Y. Bar-Sever
abstract presentation paper

GNSS Ionosphere Analysis at CODE
S. Schaer
abstract presentation paper

Usage of IGS TEC Maps to Explain RF Link Degradations by Spread-F, Observed on Cluster and Other ESA Spacecraft
J. Feltens, J. Dow, G. Billig, D. Fornarelli, S. Pallaschke, B. Smeds, H.-J. Volpp, P. Escoubet, H. Laakso
abstract presentation paper

Global Ionospheric Data Assimilation & IGS Collaboration with Space Weather Programs
B. Wilson, C. Wang, G. Hajj, X. Pi, L. Mandrake, A. Komjathy, A. Mannucci
abstract presentation paper

gAGE/UPC GNSS Ionosphere Activities: Real-time, Galileo, EGNOS and Tomography
M. Hernández-Pajares, J. M. Juan, J. Sanz, A. Aragon, M. Garcia, R. Orus, P. Roldan
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

Activities of Swisstopo in GPS Meteorology
E. Brockmann, D. Ineichen, G. Guerova, J.-M. Bettems, A. Somieski, M. Troller, M. Becker, P. Haefele
abstract poster paper

Determination of Ionospheric Delays of GPS Signals on the Basis of Measuring Results Obtained by a Single-Frequency Receiver
M. Kaufman, S. Pasynok, D. Filonov
abstract poster paper

GIM Models for Single Frequency Radar Altimetry
T. Schöne, S. Esselborn
abstract poster paper

GPS Ionosphere Rapid Service for Europe – Suggestions and First Experiences M. Figurski, J. B. Rogowski
abstract poster paper

GPS Tomography and Remote Sensing Techniques for Water Vapor Determination in the ESCOMPTE Campaign
S. Lutz, M. Troller, A. Somieski, A. Walpersdorf, E. Doerflinger, A. Geiger, B. Bürki, O. Bock, H.-G. Kahle
abstract poster paper

Mapping Function Parameters Derived from Numerical Weather Model Data in Global GPS Network Analyses – A Comparative Study
S. Vey, A. Rülke, R. Dietrich, M. Rothacher
abstract poster paper

MATRAG – Measurement of Alpine Tropospheric Delay by Radiometer and GPS
P. Häfele, M. Becker, E. Brockmann, L. Martin, M. Kirchner
abstract poster paper

Modeling and Forecasting of TEC Obtained with IGS Network over Europe
A. Krankowski, L.W. Baran, I.I. Shagimuratov
abstract poster paper

Swedish Activities During 10 Years as a Data Provider and Customer of the IGS: Atmospheric Monitoring
B. Stoew, G. Elgered, R. Emardson, L. Gradinarsky, R. Haas, P. Jarlemark, J. Johansson
abstract poster paper

VMF and IMF Mapping Functions Based on Data from the ECMWF
H. Schuh, J. Boehm
abstract poster paper

