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Session 2: Other Reference Frame Issues

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: IGS Reference Frames: Status and Future Improvements
J. Ray, D. Dong, Z. Altamimi
abstract presentation paper

Observations of Large-scale Frame Deformations and Related Effects
T. Herring
abstract presentation paper

Relationships Between Mass Redistribution, Station Position, Geocenter, and Earth Rotation: Results from IGS GNAAC Analysis
G. Blewitt
abstract presentation paper

Tests of IGS Reference Frame Stability
Z. Altamimi, J. Ray
abstract presentation paper

The Effect of the Second Order GPS Ionospheric Correction on Receiver Positions
S. Kedar, G. Hajj, B. Wilson, M. Heflin
abstract presentation paper

Improving IGS Timescale Stability and Tracking of UTC
K. Senior, J. Ray
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

P. Pesec
abstract poster paper

CODE High-rate GPS Satellite Clock Corrections
H. Bock, R. Dach, U. Hugentobler, S. Schaer, G. Beutler
abstract poster paper

Continuously Operating GPS Receivers at Thule, Greenland
S. A. Khan, F. B. Madsen, P. Knudsen
abstract poster paper

IENG: A New IGS Station in Italy
V. Pettiti, D. Orgiazzi
abstract poster paper

Reprocessing of the Global GPS Network: First Results
M. Rothacher, P. Steigenberger, R. Dietrich, M. Fritsche, A. Rülke
abstract poster paper

Rigorous Combination of GPS and VLBI to Study Reference Frame Related Issues
M. Krügel, V. Tesmer, D. Angermann, D. Thaller, M. Rothacher, R. Schmid
abstract poster paper

Seasonal Height Errors and the TRF
A. E. Niell
abstract poster paper

Swedish Activities During 10 Years as a Data Provider and Customer of the IGS: Geophysical and Geodedetic Applications
J. Johansson, H.-G. Scherneck, M. Lidberg, R. Haas, S. Bergstrand, L. Jivall
abstract poster paper

The Impact of Auto- and Cross-correlations in Daily Solution Time Series of GPS Permanent Stations
R. Barzaghi, A. Borghi, M. Crespi, F. Giannone, G. Pietrantonio, F. Riguzzi
abstract poster paper


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