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Session 9: Precise Orbit DeterminationOral PresentationsPosition Paper: Bigger, Better, Faster POD High-performance Algorithms for Double Difference Data Processing Combined Solutions GPS+LEO Aspects of Large Station Networks for GPS Orbits and Clocks Routine Processing of Combined Solutions for GPS and GLONASS at CODE Ultra-rapids and Ultra-rapids Predictions for GPS Poster Presentations GPS LEO POD Activity at CGS (Space Geodesy Centre “G. Colombo”) Activities at the CODE Analysis Center A High Precision Analytical Surface Force Model For GPS Block IIR Satellites High and Low POD Using GPS at CNES/GRGS Orbit Determination of Low Earth Satellites at AIUB NRCan Analysis Centre Contributions to the IGS: 1994 – 2004 Kinematic Orbits for LEO Satellites - a New Product USNO Analysis Strategy Summary Large Scale GPS Processing at ESOC for LEO, GNSS and Real-Time Applications IGS LEO Pilot Project Kinematic LEO POD with Space- and Ground-Based Transceiver Constellation Tightly
Coupled with GPS: Simulation Study IGS Analysis Center at GFZ Potsdam |
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