REYK Site Information Form International GPS Service for Geodynamics 0. Form Prepared by (full name) : Dr. Wolfgang Schlueter, : Klaus Roettcher, : Uwe Hessels : Rudolf Stoeger Date Prepared : 11-JUL-2000 Report Type : UPDATE Prepared Using : 1. Site Identification of the GPS Monument Site Name : Reykjavik / Iceland Four Character ID : REYK Monument Inscription : Bolt IERS DOMES Number : 10202M001 CDP Number : Date Installed : 02-NOV-1995 00:00 UT Geologic Characteristic : Bedrock Bedrock Type : Basaltic Lava Bedrock Condition : The lava is glacialy scoured : and jointed Fracture Spacing : 50-200 cm Notes : Additional Information : A ROGUE SNR-8000 operates : since 02-NOV-1995 in the : Reykjavik GPS Permanent : Tracking Station. : Upgrading to Firmware : V 13-SEP-1998 : 00:00 UT. : Upgrading to Firmware : V 21-JUL-1999 : 11:00 UT. : ROGUE SNR-8000 S/N T313 : replaced by AOA SNR-8000 : ACT S/N T-396U (ROGUE : SNR-8000 upgraded to ACT, : functionally like AOA : Benchmark ACT) V : 11-JUL-2000 09:00 UT. : In addition an ASHTECH Z-18 : GPS/GLONASS receiver is : operating since 11-SEP-1998 : (REYZ). 2. Site Location Information City or Town : Reykjavik State or Province : Country : Iceland Tectonic Plate : North American Plate Approximate Position X coordinate (m) : 2587384.533 Y coordinate (m) : -1043033.497 Z coordinate (m) : 5716564.008 Latitude (deg) : 64.138782455 N Longitude (deg) : 21.955483568 W Elevation (m) : 93.095 Additional Information : 3. GPS Receiver Information 3.1 Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-8000 Serial Number : T313 Firmware Version : 3.2 Date Installed : 02-NOV-1995 00:00 UT Date Removed : 13-SEP-1998 00:00 UT Additional Information : 3.2 Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-8000 Serial Number : T313 Firmware Version : Date Installed : 13-SEP-1998 00:00 UT Date Removed : 21-JUL-1999 11:00 UT Additional Information : 3.3 Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-8000 Serial Number : T313 Firmware Version : Date Installed : 21-JUL-1999 11:00 UT Date Removed : 11-JUL-2000 09:00 UT Additional Information : 3.4 Receiver Type : AOA SNR-8000 ACT Serial Number : T-396U Firmware Version : Date Installed : 11-JUL-2000 09:00 UT Date Removed : Additional Information : 4. GPS Antenna Information 4.1 Antenna Type : AOAD/M_T NONE Serial Number : 434 Antenna Height (m) : 0.0680 m Antenna Reference Point : ARP Degree Offset from North : - Antenna Radome Type : NONE Date Installed : 02-NOV-1995 00:00 UT Date Removed : 13-SEP-1998 00:00 UT Additional Information : 4.2 Antenna Type : AOAD/M_T NONE Serial Number : 434 Antenna Height (m) : 0.0685 m Antenna Reference Point : ARP Degree Offset from North : - Antenna Radome Type : NONE Date Installed : 13-SEP-1998 00:00 UT Date Removed : 11-MAR-1999 00:00 UT Additional Information : 4.3 Antenna Type : AOAD/M_T NONE Serial Number : 434 Antenna Height (m) : 0.0680 m Antenna Reference Point : ARP Degree Offset from North : - Antenna Radome Type : NONE Date Installed : 11-MAR-1999 00:00 UT Date Removed : Additional Information : 5. Local Site Ties 5.1 Monument Name : DORIS-System Site Ref CDP Number : Site Ref Domes Number : Differential Components from GPS Mark to Site Reference (ITRS) dx (m) : (m) dy (m) : (m) dz (m) : (m) Accuracy (mm) : (mm) Date Measured : Additional Information : 5.2 Monument Name : REYZ GPS/GLONASS System (Ashtech Z-18) Site Ref CDP Number : Site Ref Domes Number : 10202M003 Differential Components from GPS Mark to Site Reference (ITRS) dx (m) : (m) dy (m) : (m) dz (m) : (m) Accuracy (mm) : (mm) Date Measured : Additional Information : 6. Frequency Standard 6.1 Standard Type : INTERNAL Frequency : Effective Dates : 02-NOV-1995 Notes : 7. Collocation Information 7.1 Instrumentation Type : DORIS Status : PERMANENT Effective Dates : Notes : 7.2 Instrumentation Type : GPS/GLONASS REYZ Ashtech Z-18 Status : PERMANENT Effective Dates : 11-SEP-1998 - now Notes : 8. Meteorological Instrumentation 8.1 Humidity Sensor Model : MP 408A Manufacturer : Rotronic Ettlingen Data Frequency : 15 min Accuracy (% rel h) : +/- 1.5 % rel h Effective Dates : 02-NOV-1995 Notes : 8.2 Pressure Sensor Model : APS Manufacturer : Roesler + Cie Data Frequency : 15 min Accuracy (mbar) : +/- 1 mbar Height Diff to GPS (m) : 4 m Effective Dates : 02-NOV-1995 Notes : 8.3 Temperature Sensor Model : MP 408A Manufacturer : Rotronic Ettlingen Data Frequency : 15 min Accuracy (deg C) : +/- 0.3 deg C Effective Dates : 02-NOV-1995 Notes : 8.4 Water Vapor Radiometer : Manufacturer : Distance to GPS (m) : Elev Diff to GPS (m) : Effective Dates : Notes : 8.5 Other Instrumentation : 9. On-Site, Point of Contact Agency Information Agency : Landmaelingar Islands : National Land Survey of Iceland Mailing Address : Stillholti 14 - 16 : IS-300 Akranes : Iceland Primary Contact Contact Name : Christof Voelksen Telephone (primary) : 00354-4309030 Telephone (secondary) : Fax : 00354-4309090 E-mail : Secondary Contact Contact Name : Thorarinn Sigurdsson Telephone (primary) : 00354-4309000 Telephone (secondary) : Fax : 00354-4309090 E-mail : Additional Information : 10. Responsible Agency (if different from 9.) Agency : Bundesamt fuer Kartographie : und Geodaesie : Fundamentalstation Wettzell Mailing Address : Bundesamt fuer Kartographie : und Geodaesie : Fundamentalstation Wettzell : D-93444 Koetzting, Germany Primary Contact Contact Name : Dr. Wolfgang Schlueter Telephone (primary) : (0049)-9941-603107 Telephone (secondary) : (0049)-9941-6030 Fax : (0049)-9941-603222 E-mail : Contact Name : Klaus Roettcher Telephone (primary) : (0049)-9941-603115 Telephone (secondary) : (0049)-9941-6030 Fax : (0049)-9941-603222 E-mail : Contact Name : Uwe Hessels Telephone (primary) : (0049)-9941-603204 Telephone (secondary) : (0049)-9941-6030 Fax : (0049)-9941-603222 E-mail : Contact Name : Rudolf Stoeger Telephone (primary) : (0049)-9941-603114 Telephone (secondary) : (0049)-9941-6030 Fax : (0049)-9941-603222 E-mail : Secondary Contact Contact Name : Telephone (primary) : Telephone (secondary) : Fax : E-mail : Additional Information : 11. More Information URL for More Information : Hardcopy on File Site Map : Y Site Diagram : Y Horizon Mask : Y Monument Description : Y Site Pictures : Y Additional Information : Antenna Graphics with Dimensions AOAD/M_T ----- / + \ <-- 0.128 L2 | + | <-- 0.110 L1 +--------------------------------------------------+ <-- 0.102 TCR | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------+-+ <-- 0.038 +-------------------+-------------+--------------------+ <-- 0.035 BCR | | =| | +------x------+ <-- 0.000 ARP <-- 0.381 --> ARP: Antenna Reference Point L1 : L1 Phase Center L2 : L2 Phase Center TCR: Top of Chokering BCR: Bottom of Chokering