********************************** SITE INFORMATION FORM ********************************** 0. Form Prepared by (full name): Dott. Vespe F. - Poggi M. Date : 08.01.1996 Report type : UPDATE (NEW or UPDATE) 1. Site Identification of the GPS monument Site Name : Noto - Radioastronomy Station of C.N.R. 4 char ID : NOTO Monument Inscription : Marker "R" IERS DOMES Number : 12717M003 CDP Number : Date : February, 02 1995 Additional information : Noto is a reference point of the Italian GPS Fiducial Network created by the Italian Space Agency. 2. Site Location City : NOTO Country : ITALY Tectonic Plate : ADRIATIC-AFRICAN PLATE Additional information : 3. GPS Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-8100 Serial Number : 149 Firmware Version : (Made Thur 93/09/02) Date : Sept. 02 1993 (use type names from attached list) 4. GPS Antenna Type : DORNE MARGOLIN T TurboRogue L1/L2 GEOD (Mod. 7490400-4) Serial Number : 447 Date : September 1994 (use type names from attached list) Vertical Antenna Height: 0.000 Antenna Reference Point: BOTTOM OF THE CHOKE RING BASE Date : February, 02 1995 5. Local Site Ties Monument CDP DOMES Components Accuracy Date Name Number Number dX dY dZ mm yy-mm-dd GPS (MARKER R) 0.000 0.000 0.000 SLR (MARKER O) 7543 12717M001 0.220 -128.861 43.217 1.5 95-06-10 ................... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ .. .. .. .. ................... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ .. .. .. .. Differential coordinates from the GPS monument to the reference and other monuments. The components are parallel to the XYZ-axes of the global geocentric reference system ITRF (WGS-84). "Accuracy" is estimated accuracy of local survey (millimeters). 6. Frequency standard H-maser / X / Cesium / / Quartz / / Internal / / Other (specify) : Date : February, 02 1995 (Mark with 'X') 7. Collocation SLR / M / VLBI / P / DORIS / / PRARE / / Other GEOPHYSICAL Instrumentation (specify) : Other (specify) : (Mark with 'P' for permanent, 'M' for mobile collocation) 8. On-site, Point of Contact Agency Information Agency : Agenzia Spaziale Italiana Contact : Dott. Francesco VESPE Address : P.O.BOX 155 - 75100 Matera, ITALY Telephone : ++39.835.377211 E-mail : VESPE@ASIMT0.MT.ASI.IT Fax : ++39.835.339005 9. Responsible Operations Agency (if different from item 8) Agency : Nuova Telespazio S.p.A. Contact : Domenico DEL ROSSO - Michele POGGI Address : P.O.BOX 155 - 75100 Matera, ITALY Telephone : ++39.835.377203 - ++39.835.377233 E-mail : GPS@ASIMT0.MT.ASI.IT Fax : ++39.835.334951 10. Please insert here the character graphics corresponding to the antenna type. Check, complete or change if necessary the antenna dimensions. ALLEN OSBORNE ASSOCIATES, INC. : TurboRogue (mod. 7490400-4) _____ / \ | | --------------------------x------------------------ - <-- TCR - <-- | | | | | | origin of coordinate system | | 6.7 cm. | | | | | | | | | 10. 2 cm. --------------------------------------------------- - <--------- | | | | 3.5 cm. | +------x------+ - <-- 0.000 ARP - <-- ARP: Antenna Reference Point TCR: Top of the Choke Ring TurboRogue SNR 8100 USER MANUAL (pag. 1-3, 1-4): The receiver makes all its satellite tracking computations relative to the antenna phase center. The antenna phase center is located as follows: -Assume a coordinate system having its Z axis perpendicular to the plane defined by the top of the choke ring - with positive Z in the upward direction. The Z axis passes through the center of the 5/8" hole on the bottom of the choke ring. The origin is located at the base of the antenna dome; that it is approximately 10.16 cm. above the bottom of the choke ring base. This origin corresponds to the plane at the top of the choke ring. -The +X axis is in the direction of the arrow marked N (North) on the antenna assembly. -The Y axis is perpendicular to the X axis, with +Y defined to create a right-hand coordinate system. (Points to what would be West if the +X is pointing North.) -The phase centers are offset from this origin by the amounts show in Table 1-1. TABLE 1-1 . ANTENNA/Choke-Ring Assembly Phase Center Offsets ---------------------------------------------------- | Phase Center Offsets | X (cm) | Y (cm) | Z (cm) | ==================================================== | L1 Phase Center Offset | -0.04 | -0.22 | 1.66 | ---------------------------------------------------- | L2 Phase Center Offset | 0.04 | -0.15 | 4.33 | ---------------------------------------------------- 11. Hard copy information The next items should be compiled and sent to the Central Bureau (see original IGS Station Information Report, or contact the CB for forms). Please mark 'X' if on file or date expected to be available. Site Map :X Site Diagram :X Horizon Mask :X (VLBI Antenna) Monument description :X Site pictures :X Survey of Site :X