KOSG Site Information Form International GPS Service for Geodynamics 0. Form Prepared by (full name) : Danny van Loon Date Prepared : 04-MAR-1999 Report Type : UPDATE Prepared Using : 1. Site Identification of the GPS Monument Site Name : Kootwijk Observatory for Satellite Geodesy Four Character ID : KOSG Monument Inscription : KOSG-25 IERS DOMES Number : 13504M003 CDP Number : (XXXX) Date Installed : dd-JAN-1991 hh:mm UT Geologic Characteristic : (BEDROCK/CLAY/CONGLOMERATE/GRAVEL/SAND/etc) Bedrock Type : (IGNEOUS/METAMORPHIC/SEDIMENTARY) Bedrock Condition : (FRESH/JOINTED/WEATHERED) Fracture Spacing : (1-10 cm/10-50 cm/50-200 cm/over 200 cm) Notes : (multiple lines) Additional Information : The Kootwijk Observatory is operating under : responsibility of the Faculty of Geodesy of : the Delft University of Technology. 2. Site Location Information City or Town : Kootwijk (near Apeldoorn) State or Province : Country : The Netherlands Tectonic Plate : Eurasian Approximate Position X coordinate (m) : 3899225.2730 Y coordinate (m) : 396731.8010 Z coordinate (m) : 5015078.3320 Latitude (deg) : 52.1784 Longitude (deg) : 5.8096 Elevation (m) : 97.8617 Additional Information : (multiple lines) 3. GPS Receiver Information 3.1 Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-8 Serial Number : R117 Firmware Version : Meenix 7.8 Date Installed : 13-JUN-1994 - 08/23/1994 hh:mm UT Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 3.2 Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-8000 Serial Number : T175 Firmware Version : Version 2.8 Date Installed : 24-AUG-1994 - 11/22/94 hh:mm UT Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 3.3 Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-8 Serial Number : R117 Firmware Version : Meenix 7.8 Date Installed : 23-NOV-1994 - 01/25/1996 hh:mm UT Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 3.4 Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-12 RM Serial Number : T209 Firmware Version : Version Date Installed : 26-JAN-1996 - 04/23/1996 hh:mm UT Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 3.5 Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-12 RM Serial Number : T229 Firmware Version : Version Date Installed : 24-APR-1996 - 02/28/1999 hh:mm UT Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 3.6 Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-12 RM Serial Number : T222 Firmware Version : Version Date Installed : 01-MAR-1999 - hh:mm UT Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 3.x Receiver Type : Serial Number : Firmware Version : Date Installed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 4. GPS Antenna Information 4.1 Antenna Type : DORNE MARGOLIN B Serial Number : S/N 119 Antenna Height (m) : 0.105 Antenna Reference Point : BCR/ARP Degree Offset from North : Antenna Radome Type : Date Installed : 01-JAN-1991 hh:mm UT Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : Model C146-6-1 4.x Antenna Type : Serial Number : Antenna Height (m) : (m) Antenna Reference Point : (ARP/BCR/BPA) Degree Offset from North : Antenna Radome Type : Date Installed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 5. Local Site Ties 5.1 Monument Name : KOSG-23(SLR) Site Ref CDP Number : 8833 Site Ref Domes Number : 13504M002 Differential Components from GPS Mark to Site Reference (ITRS) dx (m) : 12.458 dy (m) : 37.501 dz (m) : -23.025 Accuracy (mm) : 3 Date Measured : 14-APR-1993 hh:mm UT Additional Information : KOSG-23 Mobile SLR Reference Point 5.2 Monument Name : KOSG-28 Site Ref CDP Number : 8833 Site Ref Domes Number : 13504M002 Differential Components from GPS Mark to Site Reference (ITRS) dx (m) : -17.115 dy (m) : 32.379 dz (m) : 1.144 Accuracy (mm) : 3 Date Measured : 14-APR-1993 hh:mm UT Additional Information : KOSG-28 Mobile GPS Reference Point, also : EUREF reference marker 6. Frequency Standard 6.1 Standard Type : RUBIDIUM Frequency : Effective Dates : 01-JAN-1991 - 26-JAN-1996 Notes : 5065A Rubidium Vapor Frequency Standard 6.2 Standard Type : QUARTZ Frequency : Effective Dates : 27-JAN-1996 - 14-FEB-1996 Notes : Frequency Crystal Oscillator 6.3 Standard Type : RUBIDIUM Frequency : Effective Dates : 14-FEB-1996 Notes : 5065A Rubidium Vapor Frequency Standard 6.x Standard Type : (H-MASER/CESIUM/QUARTZ/INTERNAL/RUBIDIUM) Frequency : Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 7. Collocation Information 7.1 Instrumentation Type : SLR Status : MOBILE Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : Absolute gravimeter (M) : Relative gravimeters (M) : Seismometer (P) 8. Meteorological Instrumentation 8.1 Humidity Sensor Model : Manufacturer : Data Frequency : Accuracy (% rel h) : (% rel h) Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.2 Pressure Sensor Model : Manufacturer : Data Frequency : Accuracy (mbar) : (mbar) Height Diff to GPS (m) : (m) Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.3 Temperature Sensor Model : Manufacturer : Data Frequency : Accuracy (deg C) : (deg C) Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.4 Water Vapor Radiometer : Manufacturer : Distance to GPS (m) : (m) Elev Diff to GPS (m) : (m) Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.5 Other Instrumentation : (multiple lines) 9. On-Site, Point of Contact Agency Information Agency : Delft University of Technology (DUT/KOSG) Mailing Address : Thijssweg 11 : Delft, The Netherlands : 2629 JA Primary Contact Contact Name : Danny van Loon Telephone (primary) : (31) 15 2788137 Telephone (secondary) : Fax : (31) 15 2783711 E-mail : vanloon@geo.tudelft.nl Secondary Contact Contact Name : Telephone (primary) : Telephone (secondary) : Fax : E-mail : Additional Information : (multiple lines) 10. Responsible Agency (if different from 9.) Agency : (multiple lines) Mailing Address : (multiple lines) Primary Contact Contact Name : Telephone (primary) : Telephone (secondary) : Fax : E-mail : Secondary Contact Contact Name : Telephone (primary) : Telephone (secondary) : Fax : E-mail : Additional Information : (multiple lines) 11. More Information URL for More Information : Hardcopy on File Site Map : X Site Diagram : X Horizon Mask : X Monument Description : X Site Pictures : X Additional Information : (multiple lines) Antenna Graphics with Dimensions ROGUE: DORNE MARGOLIN B (Allen Osborne Design) S/N 119 according to general figures. ----- / + \ <-- 0.096 L2 | + | <-- 0.078 L1 +-----------------+-------------+------------------+ <-- 0.070 TCR | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------+------x------+------------------+ <-- 0.000 ARP | | +-------------+ <-- -0.011 || || <-- 0.351 --> ROGUE: DORNE MARGOLIN B (Allen Osborne Design) S/N 119 calibrated by DUT/KOSG in cooperation with ESA/ESTEC. ----- / + \ <-- 0.101 L2 | + | <-- 0.077 L1 +--------------------------------------------------+ <-- 0.070 TCR | | | | | | | | | | +------------------------x-------------------------+ <-- 0.000 ARP | | +-------------+ <-- -0.010 || || <-- 0.351 --> ARP: Antenna Reference Point L1 : L1 Phase Center L2 : L2 Phase Center TCR: Top of Chokering BCR: Bottom of Chokering