TIXI00RUS Site Information Form (site log) International GNSS Service See Instructions at: https://files.igs.org/pub/station/general/sitelog_instr_v2.0.txt 0. Form Prepared by (full name) : Grigory Steblov Date Prepared : 2010-11-07 Report Type : UPDATE If Update: Previous Site Log : tixi_20060531.log Modified/Added Sections : 3.3 3.4 4.3 4.4 11 12 13 1. Site Identification of the GNSS Monument Site Name : Seismic Station Tixi Nine Character ID : TIXI00RUS Monument Inscription : IERS DOMES Number : 12360M001 CDP Number : Monument Description : STAINLESS STEEL ROD Height of the Monument : Monument Foundation : Foundation Depth : Marker Description : Date Installed : 1998-10-08T00:00Z Geologic Characteristic : Verkhoyansk fold-and-thrust belt Bedrock Type : THICK SILTSTONE SERIES Bedrock Condition : JOINTED Fracture Spacing : over 200 cm Fault zones nearby : Distance/activity : Additional Information : Tixi is about 100 km to the east of the : margin of Siberian platform. : This station is part of NEDA : Deformation Array created and run by : RUSEG : by GPS Technology. NEDA operational control : is provided by RDAAC : Acquisition/Analysis Center (Moscow). RDAAC : is also IGS Operational Center for NEDA. : RUSEG is a collaborative project of Lamont- : Doherty Earth Observatory and Russian Academy : of Sciences supported through the IRIS : Consortium. : The GPS reference mark consists of : 5/8-11" diameter, vertical rod of the : stainless steel. : The rod is glued into the flat top of the 2-m : high rectangular construction made of : reinforced : concrete on the roof of the apartments : building. The 20-cm thick roof is also made : of reinforced concrete. : Seismic station computer room is in this : building. The GPS receiver is located in that : room and it is connected to antenna with : a 30-m cable protected with a metal conduit. : The 4-floors building has 30-cm thick brick : walls without cracks. It is supported by : 90 stilts dri 2. Site Location Information City or Town : Tixi State or Province : Yakutia - Sakha Republic Country or Region : Tectonic Plate : EURASIAN Approximate Position (ITRF) X coordinate (m) : -1264872.9630 Y coordinate (m) : 1569455.8140 Z coordinate (m) : 6031003.3880 Latitude (N is +) : +713804.11 Longitude (E is +) : +1285159.09 Elevation (m,ellips.) : 47.0 Additional Information : GAMIT Solution ITRF96. Epoch 1998.775 3. GNSS Receiver Information 3.1 Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-8000 Satellite System : GPS Serial Number : T123 Firmware Version : 3.2 95/03/08 Elevation Cutoff Setting : Date Installed : 1998-10-08T00:00Z Date Removed : 1999-03-30T00:00Z Temperature Stabiliz. : Additional Information : 3.2 Receiver Type : ASHTECH Z-XII3 Satellite System : GPS Serial Number : LP01745 Firmware Version : NAV CC00 CH 1D02 Elevation Cutoff Setting : Date Installed : 1999-03-30T00:00Z Date Removed : 2005-12-22T23:59Z Temperature Stabiliz. : Additional Information : Model 700845-10D (Z-12 CGRS). 3.3 Receiver Type : ASHTECH Z-XII3 Satellite System : GPS Serial Number : LP020003240 Firmware Version : NAV CD00 CH 1D02 Elevation Cutoff Setting : Date Installed : 2005-12-23T09:25Z Date Removed : 2010-10-20T00:00Z Temperature Stabiliz. : Additional Information : Model 700845-10F (Z-12 CGRS). 3.4 Receiver Type : JPS EGGDT Satellite System : GPS+GLO Serial Number : 8RLTBTENFGG Firmware Version : 2.7.0 Mar,31,2008 Elevation Cutoff Setting : Date Installed : 2010-10-20T17:00Z Date Removed : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ) Temperature Stabiliz. : Additional Information : 3.x Receiver Type : (A20, from rcvr_ant.tab; see instructions) Satellite System : (GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS+QZSS+SBAS) Serial Number : (A20, but note the first A5 is used in SINEX) Firmware Version : (A11) Elevation Cutoff Setting : (deg) Date Installed : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ) Date Removed : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ) Temperature Stabiliz. : (none or tolerance in degrees C) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 4. GNSS Antenna Information 4.1 Antenna Type : ASH700936D_M UNAV Serial Number : 13083 Antenna Reference Point : BPA Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m) : 0.0792 Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) : 0.0000 Marker->ARP East Ecc(m) : 0.0000 Alignment from True N : 0 deg Antenna Radome Type : UNAV Radome Serial Number : Antenna Cable Type : Antenna Cable Length : Date Installed : 1998-10-08T00:00Z Date Removed : 2002-03-13T23:59Z Additional Information : Antenna Diagram below : clear spherical radome 4.2 Antenna Type : ASH700936D_M NONE Serial Number : 13083 Antenna Reference Point : BPA Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m) : 0.0792 Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) : 0.0000 Marker->ARP East Ecc(m) : 0.0000 Alignment from True N : 0 deg Antenna Radome Type : NONE Radome Serial Number : Antenna Cable Type : Antenna Cable Length : Date Installed : 2002-03-14T00:00Z Date Removed : 2002-10-13T23:59Z Additional Information : Unauthorized radome removal was discovered : about 14-MAR-2002. Precise date is unknown. 4.3 Antenna Type : ASH700936D_M SCIS Serial Number : 13083 Antenna Reference Point : BPA Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m) : 0.0792 Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) : 0.0000 Marker->ARP East Ecc(m) : 0.0000 Alignment from True N : 0 deg Antenna Radome Type : SCIS Radome Serial Number : Antenna Cable Type : Antenna Cable Length : Date Installed : 2002-10-14T00:00Z Date Removed : 2010-10-20T00:00Z Additional Information : 4.4 Antenna Type : TPSCR3_GGD NONE Serial Number : 00263 Antenna Reference Point : BPA Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m) : 0.0792 Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) : 0.0000 Marker->ARP East Ecc(m) : 0.0000 Alignment from True N : 0 deg Antenna Radome Type : NONE Radome Serial Number : Antenna Cable Type : Antenna Cable Length : Date Installed : 2010-10-20T17:00Z Date Removed : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ) Additional Information : The receiver is connected to the antenna via : the splitter. : The 2nd input of the splitter is connected with : the receiver of station TIXG. : The splitter provides power to the antenna : independently of either TIXI or TIXG receivers. 4.x Antenna Type : (A20, from rcvr_ant.tab; see instructions) Serial Number : (A*, but note the first A5 is used in SINEX) Antenna Reference Point : (BPA/BCR/XXX from "antenna.gra"; see instr.) Marker->ARP Up Ecc. (m) : (F8.4) Marker->ARP North Ecc(m) : (F8.4) Marker->ARP East Ecc(m) : (F8.4) Alignment from True N : (deg; + is clockwise/east) Antenna Radome Type : (A4 from rcvr_ant.tab; see instructions) Radome Serial Number : Antenna Cable Type : (vendor & type number) Antenna Cable Length : (m) Date Installed : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ) Date Removed : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 5. Surveyed Local Ties 5.1 Tied Marker Name : TIX0 Tied Marker Usage : Tied Marker CDP Number : Tied Marker DOMES Number : Differential Components from GNSS Marker to the tied monument (ITRS) dx (m) : -702.787 dy (m) : 5883.730 dz (m) : -1685.430 Accuracy (mm) : 1 Survey method : Date Measured : 1998-10-14T00:00Z Additional Information : GAMIT solution of simultaneous GPS : observations (baseline mode in sestbl.). 5.x Tied Marker Name : Tied Marker Usage : (SLR/VLBI/LOCAL CONTROL/FOOTPRINT/etc) Tied Marker CDP Number : (A4) Tied Marker DOMES Number : (A9) Differential Components from GNSS Marker to the tied monument (ITRS) dx (m) : (m) dy (m) : (m) dz (m) : (m) Accuracy (mm) : (mm) Survey method : (GPS CAMPAIGN/TRILATERATION/TRIANGULATION/etc) Date Measured : (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 6. Frequency Standard 6.1 Standard Type : INTERNAL Input Frequency : Effective Dates : CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD Notes : 6.x Standard Type : (INTERNAL or EXTERNAL H-MASER/CESIUM/etc) Input Frequency : (if external) Effective Dates : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD) Notes : (multiple lines) 7. Collocation Information 7.x Instrumentation Type : (GPS/GLONASS/DORIS/PRARE/SLR/VLBI/TIME/etc) Status : (PERMANENT/MOBILE) Effective Dates : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD) Notes : (multiple lines) 8. Meteorological Instrumentation 8.1.1 Humidity Sensor Model : Polymer Capacitance Element Manufacturer : Paroscientific, Inc. Serial Number : Data Sampling Interval : 300 sec Accuracy (% rel h) : 2 Aspiration : UNASPIRATED Height Diff to Ant : Calibration date : Effective Dates : 2004-08-18/CCYY-MM-DD Notes : The sensor is incorporated in the MET3 : Meteorological System 8.1.x Humidity Sensor Model : Manufacturer : Serial Number : Data Sampling Interval : (sec) Accuracy (% rel h) : (% rel h) Aspiration : (UNASPIRATED/NATURAL/FAN/etc) Height Diff to Ant : (m) Calibration date : (CCYY-MM-DD) Effective Dates : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.2.1 Pressure Sensor Model : Digiquartz (R) Barometric Pressure Transducer Manufacturer : Paroscientific, Inc.Paroscientific, Inc. Serial Number : Data Sampling Interval : 300 sec Accuracy : 0.01 hPa Height Diff to Ant : Calibration date : Effective Dates : 2004-08-18/CCYY-MM-DD Notes : The sensor is incorporated in the MET3 : Meteorological System 8.2.x Pressure Sensor Model : Manufacturer : Serial Number : Data Sampling Interval : (sec) Accuracy : (hPa) Height Diff to Ant : (m) Calibration date : (CCYY-MM-DD) Effective Dates : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.3.1 Temp. Sensor Model : Thin-film Platinum 1000-ohm Resistor Manufacturer : Paroscientific, Inc. Serial Number : Data Sampling Interval : 300 sec Accuracy : 0.5 deg C Aspiration : UNASPIRATED Height Diff to Ant : Calibration date : Effective Dates : 2004-08-18/CCYY-MM-DD Notes : The sensor is incorporated in the MET3 : Meteorological System 8.3.x Temp. Sensor Model : Manufacturer : Serial Number : Data Sampling Interval : (sec) Accuracy : (deg C) Aspiration : (UNASPIRATED/NATURAL/FAN/etc) Height Diff to Ant : (m) Calibration date : (CCYY-MM-DD) Effective Dates : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.4.x Water Vapor Radiometer : Manufacturer : Serial Number : Distance to Antenna : (m) Height Diff to Ant : (m) Calibration date : (CCYY-MM-DD) Effective Dates : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.5.x Other Instrumentation : (multiple lines) 9. Local Ongoing Conditions Possibly Affecting Computed Position 9.1.x Radio Interferences : (TV/CELL PHONE ANTENNA/RADAR/etc) Observed Degradations : (SN RATIO/DATA GAPS/etc) Effective Dates : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 9.2.x Multipath Sources : (METAL ROOF/DOME/VLBI ANTENNA/etc) Effective Dates : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 9.3.x Signal Obstructions : (TREES/BUILDINGS/etc) Effective Dates : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 10. Local Episodic Effects Possibly Affecting Data Quality 10.x Date : (CCYY-MM-DD/CCYY-MM-DD) Event : (TREE CLEARING/CONSTRUCTION/etc) 11. On-Site, Point of Contact Agency Information Agency : Seismic Station Tixi Preferred Abbreviation : SST YEMSP GS SB RAS Mailing Address : 30 Akademika Fedorova Street : 678400 Tixi : Yakutia - Sakha Republic, RUSSIA Primary Contact Contact Name : Telephone (primary) : Telephone (secondary) : Fax : E-mail : Secondary Contact Contact Name : Telephone (primary) : Telephone (secondary) : Fax : E-mail : Additional Information : 12. Responsible Agency (if different from 11.) Agency : RDAAC,GS RAS,JPL Preferred Abbreviation : (A10) Mailing Address : 189 Lenina Street : Obninsk 249030, Kaluga Region, RUSSIA Primary Contact Contact Name : Grigory Steblov Telephone (primary) : +7-903-1529610 Telephone (secondary) : +7-48439-20181 Fax : E-mail : steblov@gps.gsras.ru Secondary Contact Contact Name : Telephone (primary) : Telephone (secondary) : Fax : E-mail : Additional Information : 13. More Information Primary Data Center : Secondary Data Center : URL for More Information : http://www.gps.gsras.ru Hardcopy on File Site Map : Site Diagram : (Y) Horizon Mask : (Y) Monument Description : (Y) Site Pictures : (Y) Additional Information : Hardcopy Information available from www.site : or from Responsible Agency Antenna Graphics with Dimensions TPSCR3_GGD --------- / + \ <-- 0.104 L2 | + | <-- 0.081 L1 +--------------------------------------------------+ <-- 0.071 TCR | | | | | | | | +-----------------+-------------+------------------+ <-- 0.003 BCR +-----x-----+ <-- 0.000 BPA=ARP <-- 0.326 --> ARP: Antenna Reference Point L1 : L1 Phase Center L2 : L2 Phase Center TCR: Top of Chokering BCR: Bottom of Chokering