STRR Site Information Form GPS/GLONASS Campaign IGEX98 0. Form Prepared by (full name) : Bob Twilley Date Prepared : 27-JAN-1999 Report Type : UPDATE Prepared Using : PC Text editor 1. Site Identification of the GPS Monument Site Name : Stromlo Four Character ID : STRR Monument Inscription : AU046 IERS DOMES Number : 50119M002 CDP Number : Not Available Date Installed : 15-JUN-1998 00:00 UT Geologic Characteristic : BEDROCK Bedrock Type : IGNEOUS Bedrock Condition : FRESH Fracture Spacing : Notes : Additional Information : The GPS antenna is located on top of the northern SLR calibration pillar. ARGN (Australian Regional GPS Network) - Permanent GPS Tracking Network 2. Site Location Information City or Town : Canberra State or Province : Australian Capital Territory Country : Australia Tectonic Plate : Australian Approximate Position X coordinate (m) : -4467102.419 Y coordinate (m) : 2683039.468 Z coordinate (m) : -3666949.755 Latitude (deg) : 35.3155 S Longitude (deg) : 149.0101 E Elevation (m) : 799.954 Additional Information : The GPS is located at AUSLIG's Stromlo SLR Observatory. The survey mark is The intersection of the vertical axis of a 5/8" Whitworth threaded steel stub, with the horizontal plane coinciding with the top of the mounting plate to which the steel stub is attached. This mounting is on top of the north calibration pillar at the Stromlo satellite Laser Ranging station, and is 183 mm vertically above a similar mounting which is used for the Laser calibration target. This mounting for the calibration target is known as AU046. 3. GPS Receiver Information 3.1 Receiver Type : ASHTECH Z18 Serial Number : ZX00106 Firmware Version : Date Installed : 25-SEP-1998 Date Removed : Additional Information : (multiple lines) 3.x Receiver Type : Serial Number : Firmware Version : Date Installed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 4. GPS Antenna Information 4.1 Antenna Type : ASHTECH GG CHOKE RING ANTENNA Serial Number : CRG 0103 Antenna Height (m) : 0.0025 Antenna Reference Point : ARP/base of antenna (see diagram below) Degree Offset from North : Antenna Radome Type : Ashtech Hemispherical Date Installed : 25-SEP-1998 Date Removed : 19-JAN-1999 02:00:00 Additional Information : The Ashtech Hemispherical Dome has been removed only, the Antenna type or setup has not been changed. 4.2 Antenna Type : ASHTECH GG CHOKE RING ANTENNA Serial Number : CRG 0103 Antenna Height (m) : 0.0025 Antenna Reference Point : ARP/base of antenna (see diagram below) Degree Offset from North : Antenna Radome Type : Date Installed : 19-JAN-1999 02:01:00 Date Removed : Additional Information : The Ashtech Hemispherical Dome has been removed 4.x Antenna Type : Serial Number : Antenna Height (m) : (m) Antenna Reference Point : (ARP/BCR/BPA) Degree Offset from North : Antenna Radome Type : Date Installed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Date Removed : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 5. Local Site Ties 5.1 Monument Name : SLR intersection of axes Site Ref CDP Number : 7849 Site Ref Domes Number : 50119S001 Differential Components from GPS Mark to Site Reference (ITRS) dx (m) : 38.774 (m) dy (m) : -5.029 (m) dz (m) : -57.509 (m) Accuracy (mm) : 5 (mm) Date Measured : 07-May-1998 Additional Information : (multiple lines) 5.2 Monument Name : AU045 Site Ref CDP Number : Site Ref Domes Number : Differential Components from GPS Mark to Site Reference (ITRS) dx (m) : 27.944 (m) dy (m) : -27.622 (m) dz (m) : -58.304 (m) Accuracy (mm) : 5 (mm) Date Measured : 07-May-1998 Additional Information : Stromlo SLR fundamental survey pillar (STR0). 5.x Monument Name : Site Ref CDP Number : (XXXX) Site Ref Domes Number : (XXXXXXXXX) Differential Components from GPS Mark to Site Reference (ITRS) dx (m) : (m) dy (m) : (m) dz (m) : (m) Accuracy (mm) : (mm) Date Measured : (dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm UT) Additional Information : (multiple lines) 6. Frequency Standard 6.1 Standard Type : QUARTZ/INTERNAL Frequency : 5Mhz Effective Dates : 20-SEP-1998 00:00 UT - Notes : (multiple lines) 6.x Standard Type : (H-MASER/CESIUM/QUARTZ/INTERNAL/RUBIDIUM) Frequency : Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 7. Collocation Information 7.1 Instrumentation Type : SLR Status : PERMANENT Effective Dates : 22-Jun-1998 Notes : 7.x Instrumentation Type : (DORIS/GLONASS/PRARE/SLR/VLBI) Status : (PERMANENT/MOBILE) Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 8. Meteorological Instrumentation 8.1 Humidity Sensor Model : Manufacturer : Data Frequency : Accuracy (% rel h) : (% rel h) Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.2 Pressure Sensor Model : Manufacturer : Data Frequency : Accuracy (mbar) : (mbar) Height Diff to GPS (m) : (m) Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.3 Temperature Sensor Model : Manufacturer : Data Frequency : Accuracy (deg C) : (deg C) Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.4 Water Vapor Radiometer : Manufacturer : Distance to GPS (m) : (m) Elev Diff to GPS (m) : (m) Effective Dates : (dd-MMM-yyyy - dd-MMM-yyyy) Notes : (multiple lines) 8.5 Other Instrumentation : (multiple lines) 9. On-Site, Point of Contact Agency Information Agency : Australian Surveying & Land Information Group : AUSLIG Mailing Address : PO Box 2 : BELCONNEN ACT 2616 : AUSTRALIA Primary Contact Contact Name : Martin Hendy Telephone (primary) : +61 2 62014350 Telephone (secondary) : Fax : +61 2 62014366 E-mail : Secondary Contact Contact Name : Bob Twilley Telephone (primary) : +61 2 62014346 Telephone (secondary) : 015 296645 Mobile Fax : +61 2 62014366 E-mail : Additional Information : (multiple lines) 10. Responsible Agency (if different from 9.) Agency : (multiple lines) Mailing Address : (multiple lines) Primary Contact Contact Name : Telephone (primary) : Telephone (secondary) : Fax : E-mail : Secondary Contact Contact Name : Telephone (primary) : Telephone (secondary) : Fax : E-mail : Additional Information : (multiple lines) 11. More Information URL for More Information : Hardcopy on File Site Map : (Y) Site Diagram : (Y) Horizon Mask : (Y) Monument Description : (Y) Site Pictures : (Y) Additional Information : (multiple lines) Antenna Graphics with Dimensions ASHTECH GG CHOKE RING: DORNE MARGOLIN T ----- / + \ <-- 0.128 L2 | + | <-- 0.110 L1 +--------------------------------------------------+ <-- 0.102 TCR | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------+-+ <-- 0.038 +-------------------+-------------+--------------------+ <-- 0.035 BCR | | =| | +------x------+ <-- 0.000 ARP <-- 0.381 --> ARP: Antenna Reference Point BPA: Bottom of Preamplifier