********************************** SITE INFORMATION FORM ********************************** 0. Form Prepared by (full name): Yehuda Bock Date : December 15, 1994 Report type : UPDATE (Station Demise) Station inactive as of Nov. 28, 1994 1. Site Identification of the GPS monument Site Name : Chatsworth PGGA station 4 char ID : CHTP Monument Inscription : None - stainless steel pin in rock IERS DOMES Number : 40478M001 (Altamimi May 7, 1994) CDP Number : None Date : March 5, 1994 Additional information : PGGA - Permanent GPS Geodetic Array in S. California 2. Site Location City : Chatsworth, San Fernando Valley Los Angeles County Country : California USA Tectonic Plate : Pacific-North America plate boundary Additional information : Approximate ITRF92 coordinates (m) -- X -2529823.499 Y -4632010.208 Z 3570394.176 Epoch 1994.3 3. GPS Receiver Type : ROGUE SNR-8000 Serial Number : T 261 Firmware Version : Date : March 5, 1994 4. GPS Antenna Type : DORNE MARGOLIN T Serial Number : 373 Date : March 5, 1994 Vertical Antenna Height: 0.0980 m Antenna Reference Point: ARP Date : March 5, 1994 5. Local Site Ties -- None 6. Frequency standard H-maser / / Cesium / / Quartz / / Internal / X / Other (specify) : Date : March 5, 1994 7. Collocation -- None 8. On-site, Point of Contact Agency Information Agency : U.S. Geological Survey Office of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Engineering Contact : Kenneth W. Hudnut Address : U.S. Geological Survey 525 South Wilson Ave. Pasadena, CA 91106 Telephone : (818) 583-7232 E-mail : hudnut@seismo.gps.caltech.edu Fax : (818) 583-7827 9. Responsible Operations Agency (if different from item 8) Agency : Scripps Institution of Oceanography Contact : Yehuda Bock Address : IGPP 0225, Scripps Institution of Oceanography 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0225 Telephone : (619) 534-5292 E-mail : bock@pgga.ucsd.edu Fax : (619) 534-9873 10. Please insert here the character graphics corresponding to the antenna type. Check, complete or change if necessary the antenna dimensions. TurboRogue: DORNE MARGOLIN T ----- / + \ <-- 0.128 L2 | + | <-- 0.110 L1 +--------------------------------------------------+ <-- 0.102 TCR | | | | | | | | +-+--------------------------------------------------+-+ <-- 0.038 +-------------------+-------------+--------------------+ <-- 0.035 BCR | | =| | +------x------+ <-- 0.000 ARP <-- 0.381 --> ARP: Antenna Reference Point L1 : L1 Phase Center L2 : L2 Phase Center TCR: Top of Chokering BCR: Bottom of Chokering 11. Hard copy information The next items should be compiled and sent to the Central Bureau (see original IGS Station Information Report, or contact the CB for forms). Please mark 'X' if on file or date expected to be available. Site Map : Site Diagram : Horizon Mask : Monument description : Site pictures :