IGS POLICY FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT of IGS PROJECTS and WORKING GROUPS (NOW SUPERSEDED BY MAR 2005 VERSION) GENERAL POLICY: ______________________________ An IGS Working Group works on a particular topic related to the IGS components according to goals and schedule specified in the working group's Charter. An IGS Pilot Project aims at the development of one or more particular IGS product(s) using data from the IGS network. The establishment of an IGS Pilot Project always implies that a more definitive, operational phase should follow the pilot phase. Pilot projects have a finite life-span and will be terminated by the Governing Board once the product is generated in a service-like manner, or, alternatively it becomes clear that the aims of the project will not be achieved. Working groups may either have a limited life-span or they may be long-term. In the latter case the chairperson will be appointed for a duration of two years (re-appointment possible). Every working group or project has a membership list. The IGS Analysis Center Coordinator and the Director of the Central Bureau are "members ex officio" of each working group or project. They may send official deputees to meetings, etc. which they cannot attend. Working groups and projects are operating autonomously under the leadership of the chairperson. After the establishment, the chairperson has in particular the right to add members to the working group. He may also collaborate with other scientific organizations like, e.g., CSTG. List of memberships and goals have to be adapted. The chair of a working group or pilot project prepares at least annually a report about the activities of the group or project. Such reports are included into the IGS Annual Report. The IGS Governing Board regularly organizes special meetings, where IGS projects and working groups are reviewed. The working group chairs are invited to these meetings. Proposals to terminate, to essentially change the Charter, to (re-)appoint chairpersons are made. These proposals are presented at the next IGS Governing Board Meeting. FORMAL ESTABLISHMENT: ______________________________ Individuals or groups of individuals wishing to establish an IGS Working Group or Pilot Project have to provide the following at least two weeks prior to an official IGS Governing Board Meeting: - Draft the Working Group's Charter clearly specifying: - the goals (two pages at maximum), - the structure of the group or project (what institutions are created), - Working plan including schedule / deadlines including the anticipated end of work. - Only for projects: initial ideas for an operational phase. - Initial list of members, - Candidate for a chairperson (optional), - Draft IGS-mail message to inform the IGS community. IGS Working Groups and IGS Pilot Projects are set up by the IGS Governing Board at one of its regular meetings. At this "constitutional meeting" the IGS Governing Board" - approves the draft Working Group Charter - appoints the chair of the Working Group or Project for two years. Adopted by the IGS Governing Board, May 1998