Results of GEONET real-time analysis Basara Miyahara(, Takuya Nishimura: Geographical Survey Institute (GSI), Japan operates a nationwide GPS observation array, GEONET. About 1,220 GEONET stations are equipped with a real-time data transmission and a high sampling rate mode. GSI processes the GPS data routinely, not in real time, in order to provide location information for the public and to monitor crustal movement. To monitor crustal movements, it is better to process all the data in real time. However, the data streaming from the stations are too huge to process together in real-time. Therefore, we set up small clusters with limited number of stations and process kinematic GPS in both real-time and post-processing mode when volcanoes become active or earthquakes occur. The post-processing analysis detected over 80cm horizontal displacement with the 2003 M8.0 Tokachi-oki earthquake. In addition, we detected smaller displacement for several M~7 earthquakes. We are planning to develop the system for near real-time post-processing analysis and to estimate an earthquake fault model utilizing the earthquake early warning service by JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency). Using an earthquake information including occurrence time, magnitude, and location helps us to detect the coseismic displacement from noisy results of kinematic GPS. In the case of the 2004 M6.8 Chuetsu earthquake, estimation of earthquake source fault model with near real-time post-processing takes about 50 minutes and well consistent with a result form GEONET routine analysis.