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Session 6: Integrity Monitoring of IGS Products

Oral Presentations

Position Paper: Integrity Monitoring of IGS Products
J. F. Zumberge, H.-P. Plag
abstract presentation paper

GNSS Integrity Concept
B. Lobert
abstract presentation paper

Products Produced Under the Direction of the AC Coordinator: Processes, Accuracies and Quality Control
G. Gendt
abstract presentation paper

The Use and Integrity Monitoring of IGS Products at Geoscience Australia
R. Govind, J. Dawson, J. Manning
abstract presentation paper

Poster Presentations

Modelling of GPS Satellite Clocks and Comparisons of IGU Clock Products
V. Bröderbauer, R. Weber
abstract poster paper

Routine GPS Data Quality Check at GFZ Potsdam
M. Ramatschi, R. Galas
abstract poster paper

Zero Difference Residuals for Multipath Maps and ZTD Quality Indication
B. Gundlich, H. van der Marel
abstract poster paper


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