Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 10:08:34 -0800 (PST)
From: Paul Jamason <>
Reply-To: Paul Jamason <>
Subject: [SCIGN-910] new site hbco
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.1010206100306.4482D-100000@lox>
Sender: owner-scign
Precedence: bulk

SCIGN Electronic Mail   06 Feb 10:08:59 PST 2001      Message Number 910

Author: Paul Jamason
Subject: new site hbco

Site Comments:

hbco - Harbor College, Wilmington, L.A. Co.


The SOPAC Database Manager has detected entries to the DB over the
following period:

	01-FEB-2001:23:00:03 and 02-FEB-2001:23:00:03

Site Code;Effective Date;Type of Change;New Value;Operator;

hbco;05-APR-2000;Receiver Firmware Version;CB00;John Galetzka;

hbco;05-APR-2000;Receiver Serial Number;LP03217;John Galetzka;

hbco;05-APR-2000;Receiver Type;ASHTECH Z-XII3;John Galetzka;

hbco;01-FEB-2001;Receiver Firmware Version;CD00;John Galetzka;

hbco;01-FEB-2001;Receiver Serial Number;LP00221;John Galetzka;

hbco;01-FEB-2001;Receiver Type;ASHTECH Z-XII3;John Galetzka;

hbco;05-APR-2000;Antenna Height;0.0083;John Galetzka;

hbco;05-APR-2000;Antenna Serial Number;CR519991728;John Galetzka;

hbco;05-APR-2000;Antenna Type;ASH701945B_M;John Galetzka;

hbco;05-APR-2000;Dome Serial Number;122;John Galetzka;

hbco;05-APR-2000;Dome Type;SCIT;John Galetzka;

The corresponding site log(s) are available via ftp from:

and from the web at:

Thank you,
SOPAC Database Manager