Message-Id: In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 23:54:36 +0200 To: , From: Nacho Romero Subject: [IGSSTATION-3766]: Re: [IGSSTATION-3761]: MOBS XMIS STR2 set to track unhealthy satellites [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Sender: owner-igsstation Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Station Mail 22 May 14:54:49 PDT 2010 Message Number 3766 ****************************************************************************** Author: Nacho Romero Dear Michael, Thanks for the good news of setting your stations to track all-in-view satellites. I show that station STR2 is still not tracking G01. Could you share what settings were needed to make your stations track all-in-view, thanks: STR2 using a TRIMBLE NETR5 XMIS using a LEICA GRX1200GGPRO MOBS using a LEICA GRX1200GGPRO best regards, Nacho Romero At 13:52 +1000 21/5/10, wrote: >****************************************************************************** >IGS Station Mail 20 May 20:53:18 PDT 2010 Message Number 3761 >****************************************************************************** > >Author: Michael Moore > >Geoscience Australia >Australian Regional GPS Network > >Dear Colleagues, > >The following stations have had the tracking changed to allow the >tracking of unhealthy satellites as requested in the IGS Stations >guidelines: > > MOBS > STR2 > XMIS > >The stations PARK and SYDN cannot be set to track unhealthy >satellites as this will have a negative impact on the timing >activities at these sites. > >Regards, > >Michael Moore best regards, Nacho _______________________________________________________________ Ignacio (Nacho) Romero Aerospace Engineer, PhD SAC s.l. at Navigation Support Office (ESA/ESOC) _______________________________________________________________ Este mensaje, y en su caso, cualquier fichero anexo al mismo, puede contener informacion clasificada por su emisor como confidencial en el marco de su Sistema de Gestion de Seguridad de la Informacion siendo para uso exclusivo del destinatario, quedando prohibida su divulgacion copia o distribucion a terceros sin la autorizacion expresa del remitente. Si Vd. ha recibido este mensaje erroneamente, se ruega lo notifique al remitente y proceda a su borrado. Gracias por su colaboracion. _______________________________________________________________ This message including any attachments may contain confidential information, according to our Information Security Management System, and intended solely for a specific individual to whom they are addressed. Any unauthorised copy, disclosure or distribution of this message is strictly forbidden. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete it.