Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 15:53:00 +0100 (CET) From: Jakub Kostelecky To:, Subject: [IGSSTATION-3440]: GOPE: planed change of receiver and antenna Message-ID: Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed Sender: owner-igsstation Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Station Mail 10 Dec 06:53:23 PST 2009 Message Number 3440 ****************************************************************************** Author: Jakub Kostelecky Change of GNSS receiver and antenna will be performed at GOPE station next week - probably on Monday December 14, 2009. The ASHTECH Z18 receiver and TPSCR3_GG3 CONE antenna will be changed by TOPCON NETG3 receiver and TPSCR.G3 TPSH antenna. Main reason for change Ashtech Z18 receiver: it is obsolete (only positive freq. numbers for GLONASS satellites, only 9 GPS NAVSTAR chanels, error characters in RTCM2 output). The TOPCON NETG3: - has more channels (elevation mask set to 0 deg), - available to perform measurements of zero/negative freq. numbers for GLONASS, - produce L2C data, - is connected to external frequency source - cesium clock Symmetricom 5071A steered to national time laboratory Tempus Pragensis (TP), - real-time output RTCM3 (streamed through NTRIP) Main reason for change TPSCR3-GGD antenna: new receiver has capability to collect Galileo satellites in future - new antenna has this capability also. It is absolute calibrated in Geo++ company with its spherical radome. We suppose also: - resumming production of 1 sec/15 min files for IGS LEO project, - more meteorological measurements in MeteoRINEX (behind tepmerature, humidity and pressure the wind speed and direction, rain accumulation and WVR data in future). Best Regards, Jakub Kostelecky Geodetic Observatory Pecny Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography Czech Republic