Content-class: urn:content-classes:message Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Subject: [IGSSTATION-3129]: KIR0, MAR6 and ONS0: DOY 165 resubmitted Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 12:56:22 +0200 Message-ID: <745F10E4A25AAA4F9FA23D7FDB14ADE310472F@mbx1.lantm.intra.local> Thread-Topic: KIR0, MAR6 and ONS0: DOY 165 resubmitted Thread-Index: AcnKSwXd5qORHTxxREedDfAAk0lEuw== From: "Swepos Driften" To: "" <''> Sender: owner-igsstation Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Station Mail 15 Jun 03:57:44 PDT 2009 Message Number 3129 ****************************************************************************** Author: Mona Hosseini Please be advised that daily RINEX data published for KIR0, MAR6 and ONS0 had data gaps for DOY 165. The completed files have been resubmitted to BKG and OLG. Apologies for any inconveniences this may cause. Best regards, Mona Hosseini ________________________________________________________________ SWEPOS SWEPOS Driftledningscentral Control Centre Lantmdteriet, division Geodesi Lantmateriet Lantmdterigatan 2, 801 82 GDVLE Lantmaterigatan 2, SE-801 82 GAVLE E-post: Email: Tel: 026 63 37 53 Telephone: +46 26 63 37 53 Fax: 026 65 42 75 Fax: +46 26 65 42 75