Message-ID: From: Colucci Giuseppe To: "IGSStation (" , "EUREFMail (" Subject: [IGSSTATION-2599]: serious problems at Cagliari site (CAGL station) Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 09:35:43 +0200 Content-Type: text/plain Sender: owner-igsstation Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Station Mail 24 Oct 00:36:37 PDT 2008 Message Number 2599 ****************************************************************************** Author: Giuseppe Colucci On Wednesday Oct 22, a sudden storm caused streams to burst their banks in the Cagliari area (Capoterra town), several people were killed and many homes and infrastructures were damaged. CAGL station stopped to send data to local data centre and, at this moment, it is not clear if the station was damaged or not. Best regards, Giuseppe Colucci --- Giuseppe Colucci Telespazio S.p.A. Centro Spaziale di Matera Ctr.da Terlecchia, S.P. Ginosa 75100 Matera tel.: 0835 377291 e-mail: - ATTENZIONE: le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio sono da considerarsi confidenziali ed il loro utilizzo e riservato unicamente al destinatario sopra indicato. Chi dovesse ricevere questo messaggio per errore e tenuto ad informare il mittente ed a rimuoverlo definitivamente da ogni supporto elettronico o cartaceo. WARNING: This message contains confidential and/or proprietary information which may be subject to privilege or immunity and which is intended for use of its addressee only. Should you receive this message in error, you are kindly requested to inform the sender and to definitively remove it from any paper or electronic format.