Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 10:00:40 +1000 (EST) From: Message-Id: <> To: Subject: [IGSSTATION-2390]: XMIS operational and receiver change [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Sender: owner-igsstation Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Station Mail 21 Jul 17:00:54 PDT 2008 Message Number 2390 ****************************************************************************** Author: Michael Moore Geoscience Australia Australian Regional GPS Network Geodetic Operation *************************************************************** GPS TRACKER id: XMIS DOMES No. 50183M001 CDP No. N/A MONUMENT NO. LOCATION. Christmas Island Western Australia AUSTRALIA *************************************************************** ADVISORY: The original receiver at XMIS island has started tracking satellites again, and the site is now operational from DoY 202 05h00Z. The problem was with a faulty external antenna cable, this section has been replaced and tracking returned to normal. The receiver at XMIS has now been changed to a LEICA GRX1200GGPRO from DoY 204 at 00h00Z, with the original Ashtech UZ-12 remaining as a back up receiver. This station will now be observing GPS+GLONASS data, and providing a real-time stream in RTCM3 format for the RTIGS pilot project. An updated site log has been submitted to the IGSCB and the Geoscience Australia ftp server, detailing these changes. It is our intention to replace the Paroscientific Met3A sensor on site in the next few days, once this has been successfully completed another Station mail will be posted along with an update site log submitted to the IGSCB. Regards Michael Moore ************************************************* Michael Moore Earth Monitoring Group (GEM) Geoscience Australia Telephone: (+61 2) 62499052 Fax: (+61 2) 62499929 Email: GPO Box 378 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia *************************************************