Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 16:44:41 -0500 From: "Giovanni.Sella" Subject: [IGSSTATION-1948]: Status USNO and GUUG and MANA To: Message-id: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031) Sender: owner-igsstation Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Station Mail 07 Dec 13:44:42 PST 2007 Message Number 1948 ****************************************************************************** Author: Giovanni Sella Dear Colleagues, I regret to inform you that we continue to be unable to resolve the data flow issues with both GUUG and USNO. At both sites there are local IT issues to receiver issues that are proving difficult to resolve. We know that GUUG has ceased collecting data since 2007-291. USNO continues to have intermittent data failures and outages. MANA continues to have very poor data tracking and we are trying to get the site upgraded. Thank you for your patience. Giovanni GUUG is run in collaboration with University of Guam USNO is run in collaboration with US Naval Observatory MANA is run in collaboration with Istituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales -- Giovanni Sella, Ph.D. CORS Program Manager, National Geodetic Survey For EXISTING CORS e-mail: NOAA-NOS, SSMC3-8716, 1315 East-West Hwy. ngs.corscollector @ Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA For PROPOSED CORS e-mail: Tel 011-301-713-3198x126, Fax 011-301-713-4324 ngs.proposed.cors @