Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 10:11:40 -0300 (ADT)
From: "Richard B. Langley" <>
Subject: [IGSSTATION-1702]: UNB3: IGS L2C Test Station Modified RINEX
  Observation File Submissions (fwd)
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IGS Station Mail          02 Aug 06:11:46 PDT 2007      Message Number 1702

Author: Richard Langley
        Rodrigo Leandro

We have changed the procedure for creating and submitting RINEX 2.11 hourly
and daily observation files from IGS L2C Test Network receiver UNB3 (a Trimble
NetR5 which shares UNBJ's antenna) as of 30 July 2007 (doy 211) at 21 hours
(GPS Time). The L2 carrier-phase measurements now come from C2 tracking rather
than P2 tracking and the S2 SNR values also now relate to C2 tracking rather
than P2 tracking. Additionally, there should now be no data gaps in the
observation files, which previously occurred due to the previous procedure
which relied on Internet data streaming to compose the RINEX files.

Futhermore, files are now being delivered to CDDIS in a more timely fashion
with hourly files normally having a latency of 5 minutes.

Note that we also upgraded the receiver firmware on 13 July 2007 (doy 194) to
version 3.32.  Among other improvements, we are no longer reporting spurious
observations on non-functioning GLONASS satellites.

In addition to supplying hourly and daily RINEX files, this receiver also
continuously streams 1 Hz data in RTCM 3.0 Ntrip format to an IGS-IP mount
point hosted by BKG.

 Richard B. Langley                            E-mail:
 Geodetic Research Laboratory                  Web:
 Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering    Phone:    +1 506 453-5142
 University of New Brunswick                   Fax:      +1 506 453-4943
 Fredericton, N.B., Canada  E3B 5A3
     Fredericton?  Where's that?  See: