Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 11:57:25 +0200 From: Heike Bock Subject: [IGSSTATION-1031]: ZIMJ: data outage To: Message-id: <> Content-type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030821 Sender: owner-igsstation Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Station Mail 24 Jul 03:06:16 PDT 2006 Message Number 1031 ****************************************************************************** Author: Heike Bock Dear colleagues, Due to a failure of the computer connected to the ZIMJ receiver no data of ZIMJ is available since July 20th, 2006, 6 UT. We try to fix the problem as soon as possible. I apologise for any inconvenience this outage may cause. Advisory will be sent when the station is operational again. Best regards, Heike Bock _____________________________ Universitdt Bern Astronomisches Institut Heike Bock Sidlerstrasse 5 CH-3012 Bern Tel. +41 (0)31 631 86 02 Fax +41 (0)31 631 38 69