Delivered-To: Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 18:38:00 -0700 From: Yvonne Vigue Message-Id: <> To: Subject: [IGSREPORT-11245] Wk 1265 JPL Analysis Report Sender: owner-igsreport Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Electronic Report 20 Apr 18:38:01 PDT 2004 Message Number 11245 ****************************************************************************** Author: Y Vigue-Rodi ****************************************************************************** JPL ANALYSIS REPORT GPS-WEEK 1265 (DAYS 95-101, DATES 2004 Apr 04 - Apr 10) ****************************************************************************** Submitted by the JPL IGS/FLINN Analysis Team: Y E Bar-Sever, M B Heflin, B J Newport, Y Vigue-Rodi, F H Webb, J F Zumberge, and D C Jefferson all at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109. Files listed below are available in Unix compressed format and can be retrieved using anonymous ftp to (, directory pub/jpligsac/1265. These files (except for *.tro) have also been sent to the CDDIS. ______________________________________________________________________________ filename contents ______________________________________________________________________________ jpl12657.sum This text file. jpl12657.erp Earth rotation parameters for GPS week 1265. jpl12657.snx Ground station coordinates for GPS week 1265, SINEX format. jpl1265[0-6].sp3 GPS ephemerides for GPS week 1265, sp3 format. jpl1265[0-6].sp3c GPS ephemerides for GPS week 1265, sp3c format. jpl1265[0-6].tro Ground station troposphere estimates for GPS week 1265. jpl1265[0-6].clk GPS and ground station clocks for GPS week 1265, RINEX. ______________________________________________________________________________ Median Orbit Repeatability (see table below): 4.3 cm A clock discontinuity (reset) of about 100.1 microseconds was detected for PRN03 at approximately 18:25 on day 098. Due to potential problems, data from stations mentioned below were not considered for use in the global solution for the day indicated. (For geographical reasons, they may not have been used in any case.) WARNING: Data from PRN04 excluded day 101. WARNING: Data from PRN05 excluded day 100. WARNING: Data from PRN13 excluded day 097. WARNING: Data from PRN19 excluded days 095-097, 099, and 101. WARNING: Data from PRN21 excluded day 098. WARNING: Data from PRN31 excluded day 098. JPL REFERENCE CLOCK TABLE GPS week 1265 (2004 Apr 04 - Apr 10) 2004-04-04 AMC2 2004-04-05 AMC2 2004-04-06 AMC2 2004-04-07 AMC2 2004-04-08 AMC2 2004-04-09 AMC2 2004-04-10 AMC2 END REFERENCE CLOCK TABLE In the following table, UT1R-UTC are the integrated values based on estimated LODR values in the adjacent column. See IGS Report No. 1498 (jpl07827.sum) for details: JPL ERP TABLE GPS week 1265 (2004 Apr 04 - Apr 10) version 2 MJD XPole Ypole UT1R-UTC LODR Xsg Ysg UTsg LOsg Nr Nf Nt Xrt Yrt 10**-6" 10**-6" .1us .1us/d 10**-6" .1us .1us/d 10**-6"/d 53099.50 -141011 330048 -4522580 8779 25 30 152 152 78 0 27 -237 2334 53100.50 -141061 332253 -4531346 8754 25 30 152 152 78 0 27 456 2042 53101.50 -140412 334835 -4540212 8977 25 29 152 152 79 0 26 686 2918 53102.50 -139955 337909 -4549087 8774 25 29 150 150 79 0 26 201 3146 53103.50 -139810 341091 -4557768 8588 24 29 145 145 79 0 27 -51 3117 53104.50 -139557 344228 -4566263 8401 24 28 143 143 79 0 27 635 3076 53105.50 -138921 347605 -4574369 7812 25 28 146 146 79 0 26 628 3147 END ERP TABLE The following table indicates the "3-dimensional orbit repeatability", as defined in IGS Mail Message 37, for GPS week 1265: ["3d rss" = sqrt(xrms**2 + yrms**2 + zrms**2)] JPL ORBIT REPEATABILITY TABLE GPS week 1265 (2004 Apr 04 - Apr 10) 04 4 4 04 4 5 04 4 6 04 4 7 04 4 8 04 4 9 04 4 10 prn 3d rss (cm) 1 4.7 7.5 7.2 7.4 7.2 7.7 5.7 3 6.9 5.1 3.6 4.5 6.2 5.4 3.9 4 4.1 4.4 5.6 3.4 3.4 3.3 5 4.9 3.6 3.8 3.6 3.8 3.4 6 12.2 6.1 6.4 8.1 6.6 5.4 8.4 7 4.9 6.1 3.8 2.7 4.0 4.5 3.3 8 2.4 1.7 3.9 2.3 4.3 3.8 2.0 9 3.3 2.2 2.4 3.6 2.2 3.8 3.6 10 3.8 3.1 4.9 5.1 4.3 4.5 4.1 11 3.8 4.5 5.6 4.0 1.6 3.6 4.9 13 5.0 3.4 2.6 3.4 4.7 4.0 14 7.1 5.5 3.7 5.5 3.0 2.5 5.1 15 5.5 3.8 4.3 3.6 7.7 5.2 7.2 16 13.6 6.9 5.3 8.5 8.0 7.1 8.4 17 5.4 4.1 5.9 4.4 7.6 7.8 4.5 18 9.1 8.0 4.7 6.5 3.2 5.4 3.9 20 4.3 4.2 3.4 3.9 3.9 5.3 4.0 21 8.6 5.8 6.1 2.5 3.7 5.8 22 10.1 6.2 4.3 4.4 4.1 4.7 3.8 24 3.8 2.6 3.3 5.6 6.8 6.1 4.6 25 5.4 3.2 7.2 6.8 4.5 4.6 9.6 26 3.2 3.6 3.8 2.2 2.7 2.4 3.7 27 3.4 2.0 4.5 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.0 28 2.1 2.0 3.4 3.4 4.7 5.4 3.8 29 7.1 9.7 4.7 2.6 2.2 3.6 4.4 30 4.2 4.9 3.0 3.2 3.8 4.6 5.4 31 8.6 3.5 10.2 6.3 6.0 4.0 _______________________ END ORBIT REPEATABILITY TABLE The following table statistically summarizes this week's "engineering data", as described in IGS Report No. 1528: JPL ENGINEERING DATA SUMMARY TABLE GPS week 1265 (2004 Apr 04 - Apr 10) receiver/transmitter (* means fiducial site) | days analyzed | | rms clock noise (ns) | | | average clock solution (us) | | | | rms pseudorange (cm) | | | | | (dot means pcode not analyzed) | | | | | rms phase (mm) | | | | | | average arc (hr) | | | | | | | |___ |__ |_______ |_______ |___ |___ |__ ALGO* 7.0 0.754e-01 2.80 55.4 4.00 3.23 ALIC 5.0 18.1 -0.884e-01 50.8 5.00 3.55 ALRT 3.8 0.106e+04 -0.127e-01 17.0 4.00 2.07 AMC2 7.8 . . 40.7 5.00 3.43 AOML 0.9 36.5 0.712e-02 60.0 5.00 2.80 AREQ 0.8 17.5 -0.541e-01 26.0 4.00 3.31 ARTU 6.9 19.7 -0.657e-01 22.9 4.73 2.50 ASC1* 7.0 0.571e+07 0.988e+04 76.1 5.74 2.75 ASPA 7.0 0.289e+06 -5.10 43.8 6.87 4.16 AUCK* 5.5 14.4 -0.798e-01 46.2 4.71 3.08 BAHR* 1.0 0.471 96.4 39.0 5.00 4.14 BILI 6.9 0.374e+05 0.780 38.6 5.00 2.64 BJFS 5.0 15.0 -0.686e-01 36.2 4.62 3.70 BRAZ 7.0 0.285e+06 494. 55.9 5.59 1.96 BRMU 6.8 0.290e+06 10.7 40.0 5.58 3.79 BUCU 4.0 0.289e+06 469. 36.8 4.00 3.07 CAS1* 6.9 7.58 0.676e-03 27.9 4.00 1.21 CEDU* 2.0 13.4 -0.543e-02 33.0 4.00 3.43 CHAT* 5.4 12.6 -0.682e-01 60.7 5.00 2.75 COCO 7.0 10.3 -0.500e-02 28.9 5.74 3.75 CRO1 6.9 21.7 -0.750e-01 39.7 4.59 3.53 DARR 4.0 0.291e+06 -25.2 44.8 6.25 3.98 DARW 3.0 49.5 442. 54.7 6.35 3.74 DAV1* 6.9 14.3 -0.414e-02 32.1 3.74 1.28 DUBO 7.0 16.9 0.735e-02 55.8 4.00 2.62 DWH1 7.0 0.848 0.402e-01 45.2 5.87 3.11 EURK 3.0 208. 130. 55.3 5.00 1.69 FAIR 5.0 0.287 942. 36.3 5.22 2.21 FORT* 7.0 0.182 -0.176e-01 80.9 5.86 2.22 GLPS 7.0 31.3 -0.990e-01 35.6 5.16 3.98 GMAS 1.0 1.61 68.6 64.0 6.00 2.40 GUAM 5.9 21.1 -0.116 52.2 7.00 3.30 GUAO 5.8 12.1 -0.570e-01 37.2 5.00 3.13 GUAT 7.0 0.290e+06 508. 63.2 6.00 1.76 HARV 7.0 63.1 -0.300e-02 54.4 5.00 3.47 HNLC 3.0 36.9 -0.119 40.0 6.36 3.83 HOB2* 3.0 0.777e-01 0.211 46.7 5.00 3.53 HRAO* 7.0 0.348 987. 18.5 4.31 3.84 IISC 7.0 31.0 -0.962e-01 58.3 6.16 3.28 IRKJ 1.0 0.251 -430. 60.0 5.00 2.34 IRKT* 3.7 0.379 0.380e-01 59.4 5.00 2.62 ISPA 6.9 28.8 -0.944e-01 25.6 5.58 3.17 KARR 6.9 21.3 -0.793e-01 54.6 5.59 2.37 KELY 6.2 8.74 -0.582e-01 28.6 5.00 1.21 KERG* 7.0 2.41 757. 53.3 5.44 3.07 KHAJ 7.0 0.182 0.418 63.5 6.59 2.65 KIR0 3.0 6.50 -0.460e-02 47.7 5.00 1.98 KIT3* 6.0 21.8 -0.290e-02 42.7 5.00 3.44 KOKB 3.0 0.776e-01 780. 60.7 8.00 3.55 KOUR* 6.5 1.86 743. 30.5 6.47 3.56 KUNM 5.8 33.6 -0.500e-02 82.7 6.53 2.56 LAE1 4.9 19.7 -0.112 64.5 7.02 3.99 LHAS* 1.0 10.1 -0.688e-02 36.0 5.00 3.54 LHAZ 5.9 0.289e+06 4.42 39.0 5.00 3.34 LHUE 1.0 36.9 -0.112 33.0 6.00 3.56 LPGS* 7.0 30.1 -0.500e-02 55.1 5.00 3.23 MAC1* 5.0 13.7 -0.371e-02 33.4 3.83 1.92 MADR 7.0 14.3 -0.597e-01 37.5 5.86 2.53 MAS1* 5.4 2.70 148. 25.0 4.18 3.16 MCM4* 6.5 0.346e+05 113. 64.1 3.00 1.09 MDVJ 1.0 0.539e-01 5.25 57.0 5.00 2.20 NICO 4.0 13.1 -0.344e-02 30.0 4.00 3.74 NKLG 7.0 0.177e+06 478. 68.3 6.73 1.95 NOT1 7.0 0.289e+06 504. 48.1 4.73 2.10 NOUM 5.9 0.289e+06 3.56 48.1 6.00 3.81 NRIL 5.9 70.6 -0.736e-01 21.3 4.18 1.91 NSSP 3.0 911. -0.451e-01 53.0 4.00 2.85 NTUS 7.0 9.46 -0.999e-02 59.3 7.16 4.11 NYA1 3.0 0.297 -1.08 29.3 3.36 1.53 ONSA* 7.0 0.603e-01 1.73 38.0 4.00 2.36 PDEL 7.0 55.2 -0.572e-02 40.5 6.02 3.12 PERT* 6.5 3.15 982. 39.9 4.98 3.61 PETP 6.8 10.6 -0.667e-01 48.3 6.00 2.91 PIMO 6.9 26.2 -0.109 27.5 6.58 1.77 POLV 3.0 0.289e+06 1.36 41.5 5.35 3.02 RAMO 2.0 18.7 -0.951e-01 44.6 5.00 2.65 REYK 6.7 11.0 -0.330e-02 47.8 6.00 1.85 RIOG* 4.0 14.6 -0.787e-01 35.3 4.00 2.87 SACH 7.0 0.114e+05 0.422 52.0 4.31 1.53 SANT* 7.0 21.1 954. 61.6 5.00 3.01 SCH2 7.0 217. 3.28 30.1 3.75 2.44 SCUB 6.0 25.3 -0.900e-01 50.3 5.69 3.52 SEY1 3.9 0.197e+07 0.309e+04 70.0 6.11 2.30 STJO 7.0 4.50 0.647 33.2 4.73 3.51 SUWN 2.0 1.32 838. 54.0 5.00 2.76 SYOG 6.9 0.885 161. 44.2 5.00 1.72 THTI 7.0 5.25 386. 61.3 6.58 3.55 TIDB 4.0 0.126 190. 24.3 5.00 3.60 TIXI 1.9 9.89 -0.743e-01 40.5 4.00 1.91 TNML 6.9 3.33 0.253e+05 34.5 3.00 2.84 TOW2 7.0 19.0 -0.875e-01 40.0 5.59 3.63 TRO1 4.0 9.83 -0.376e-02 71.5 5.27 1.75 TSKB* 7.0 1.53 -1.80 30.5 4.60 3.85 ULAB 2.0 15.3 -0.460e-02 53.6 5.07 2.25 URUM 1.0 23.9 -0.146e-01 33.0 6.00 3.01 VESL 7.0 0.289e+06 499. 48.0 4.73 2.10 WTZR* 7.0 0.833e-01 -1.30 45.7 5.00 3.15 YAKT 6.0 0.823 32.1 46.5 6.02 2.34 YELL* 7.0 0.114 0.855e-01 35.8 4.00 1.64 YIBL 5.9 25.8 -0.807e-01 59.2 5.36 3.66 ZAMB 7.0 11.0 -0.534e-02 48.3 4.60 2.32 ZECK 4.0 15.7 -0.266e-02 38.3 4.00 3.32 ZWEN 3.0 17.9 -0.322e-02 69.0 5.35 2.52 PRN01 7.0 4.64 338. 46.3 5.00 2.78 PRN03 6.9 0.952e+04 58.9 46.6 5.00 2.43 PRN04 6.0 0.636 -108. 45.3 5.00 2.46 PRN05 6.0 2.78 24.5 46.8 5.00 2.47 PRN06 7.0 2.08 16.7 47.3 5.00 2.50 PRN07 7.0 0.782 582. 46.7 5.00 2.65 PRN08 7.0 4.53 322. 45.7 5.00 2.67 PRN09 7.0 1.97 -38.3 44.0 5.00 2.53 PRN10 6.9 2.67 42.1 49.6 5.00 2.37 PRN11 7.0 0.328 108. 47.4 5.00 2.63 PRN13 6.0 0.320 -29.9 49.0 5.00 2.58 PRN14 7.0 0.310 -18.7 48.6 5.00 2.64 PRN15 7.0 3.58 250. 46.4 5.00 2.62 PRN16 7.0 0.518 13.8 47.9 5.00 2.45 PRN17 7.0 0.857 270. 49.8 5.00 2.42 PRN18 7.0 0.476 -24.5 47.6 5.45 2.68 PRN19 2.0 0.672 -86.5 65.5 6.00 2.53 PRN20 7.0 0.340 -175. 48.9 5.15 2.66 PRN21 6.0 0.294 74.5 47.5 5.00 2.65 PRN22 7.0 0.705 -15.4 47.3 6.00 2.63 PRN24 7.0 2.62 17.4 47.4 5.00 2.61 PRN25 7.0 2.50 63.9 45.3 5.00 2.55 PRN26 7.0 0.712 13.6 45.3 5.00 2.40 PRN27 7.0 0.850 86.5 45.9 5.00 2.77 PRN28 7.0 0.972 26.9 47.6 5.00 2.66 PRN29 7.0 0.895 236. 46.7 5.00 2.44 PRN30 7.0 1.14 505. 46.0 5.00 2.44 PRN31 6.0 1.50 81.7 47.8 5.53 2.50 _______________________ END ENGINEERING DATA SUMMARY TABLE As described in IGS Mail Message 37, the following table compares the JPL precise ephemerides with those from the broadcast ephemeris: JPL COMPARISON OF BROADCAST NAVIGATION MESSAGE WITH PRECISE EPHEMERIDES 04 4 4 04 4 5 04 4 6 04 4 7 04 4 8 04 4 9 04 4 10 prn 3d rss (cm) 1 275 265 299 429 330 374 441 3 236 392 177 253 246 282 316 4 152 149 187 266 299 204 5 224 468 317 366 281 449 6 251 257 188 251 246 203 237 7 214 261 319 263 190 193 277 8 556 254 515 369 325 664 340 9 163 338 323 360 442 349 273 10 244 323 277 282 273 223 301 11 195 223 246 230 213 215 235 13 347 398 278 268 268 259 14 292 231 230 210 265 312 289 15 372 271 261 327 218 332 300 16 527 363 320 319 268 227 229 17 127 306 273 160 113 148 150 18 273 304 202 220 171 186 303 19 395 596 20 207 201 186 183 170 271 292 21 233 218 369 266 264 182 22 160 171 124 168 186 240 344 24 316 346 159 198 186 175 188 25 269 222 209 155 125 202 280 26 232 251 182 154 144 133 161 27 324 314 337 229 298 200 116 28 291 264 253 330 254 327 287 29 368 1133 1009 342 268 272 149 30 342 293 307 266 297 147 270 31 267 233 252 213 241 148 _______________________ END COMPARISON OF BROADCAST NAVIGATION MESSAGE WITH PRECISE EPHEMERIDES global: algo alic alrt amc2 aoml areq artu asc1 aspa auck bahr bili bjfs braz brmu bucu cas1 cedu chat coco cro1 darr darw dav1 dubo dwh1 eurk fair fort glps gmas guam guao guat harv hnlc hob2 hrao iisc irkj irkt ispa karr kely kerg khaj kir0 kit3 kokb kour kunm lae1 lhas lhaz lhue lpgs mac1 madr mas1 mcm4 mdvj nico nklg not1 noum nril nssp ntus nya1 onsa pdel pert petp pimo polv ramo reyk riog sach sant sch2 scub sey1 stjo suwn syog thti tidb tixi tnml tow2 tro1 tskb ulab urum vesl wtzr yakt yell yibl zamb zeck zwen