Message-Id: Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 21:12:31 +0100 To: From: Nacho Romero Subject: [IGSMAIL-5778]: a new CC2NONCC Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Sender: owner-igsmail Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Electronic Mail 26 May 13:12:53 PDT 2008 Message Number 5778 ****************************************************************************** Author: Nacho Romero Dear all, As explained in many IGSMails before in certain RINEX data files the p1-c1 bias needs to be corrected. This is needed for correct clock estimation when mixing the two observation types (C1, P1) within the estimation process: [IGSMAIL-2744]: new pseudorange bias convention [IGSMAIL-2827]: Monitoring (P1-C1) code biases [IGSMAIL-5662]: Updated p1c1bias.hist you can read all these previous messages here: the previous version from Jim Ray is now obsolete due to the introduction of the RINEX 2.11 format which allows for mixed constellations. Therefore we at ESA/ESOC have modified the cc2noncc and tested it in Solaris, Linux Ubuntu and Mac OS X. We make it now available to you for your convenience. you can download the new version here: The header of the cc2noncc.f file has all the original documentation from Jim Ray which is invaluable. please follow the compilation instructions from the two make files in the tar file (cc.gmake and cc.make for each target system as explained in the header). The compilation will generate a binary; /cc2noncc/bin/cc2noncc.bin ready to use Please test this version and report any problems back to me so that I may correct them promptly. best regards, ______________________________________________________________ Nacho Romero Aerospace Engineer, PhD SAC s.l. at Navigation Support Office (ESA/ESOC) _______________________________________________________________