Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 16:12:45 +0200 From: Stefan Schaer User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728) To: igsmail Subject: [IGSMAIL-5771]: Model changes made at CODE Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-igsmail Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Electronic Mail 14 May 07:09:48 PDT 2008 Message Number 5771 ****************************************************************************** Author: Stefan Schaer, Rolf Dach Dear IGS colleagues, A number of model changes/improvements was activated in CODE's IGS analysis starting with GPS week 1477: - Computer platform change from SunOS 5.9 to Linux, x86_64: This change affects all of our IGS analysis processes, with the exception of the ionosphere prediction and DCB combination procedures (which are still running on the old platform and therefore caused that corresponding product files were temporarily unavailable, but are generated again in a nominal schedule). The new computer system is more powerful and allowed us to implement the following model refinements: - Inclusion of all available NGA stations in our GNSS orbit and ionosphere analysis: This includes the following 12 stations: S011/U012 St. Louis, US S021/U022 50109S001 Salisbury, AU S031/U032 41505S007 Buenos Aires, AR S041/U042 13235S001 Hermitage, UK S051/U052 24901M002 Manama, BH S061/U062 42003S003 Quito, EC S071/U072 40451S005 Washington, US S101/U102 49805S001 Eielson AFB, US S111/U112 50208S003 Wellington, NZ S121/U122 30310S001 Pretoria, ZA S131/U132 23904S001 Osan AB, KP S141/U142 Tahiti, PF Main stations are indicated with a leading S, backup stations with U. Currently unavailable seem to be: S021/U022 S041/U042 S051/U052 It is worth mentioning that BAHR is sharing its antenna with S051 and U052 (indicated with identical M-type DOMES number): BAHR 24901M002 Manama, BH BAHR's antenna height of 3.1220 m is therefore adopted to S051 and U052. All other height values are kept to 0.0000 m. Until a definitive IGS naming convention ( is available, we use: ASHTECH Z-XII3 / ASH700936B_M SNOW. NGA stations start to appear in all our analysis products: weekly SINEX (and analysis summary), daily IONEX (P1-P2 DCB) results, and daily clock RINEX files (starting with GPS week 1478). - Setup of GNSS satellite antenna PCV parameters specific to each individual satellite commenced (for later retrieval). - Time resolution for EOP estimation increased internally (from 2 to 1 hr). Note: The ERP results submitted to the IGS continue to be conform with a time resolution of 1 day (24 hours). Two new products are considered at CODE: - Provision of phase-consistent high-rate (5-sec) GPS satellite clock values. Note: Submission of corresponding files (named CODwwwwd.CLK_05S.Z) to the IGS data centers will start with GPS week 1478. - Generation of GNSS rapid SINEX files containing station coordinates and ERPs with a time resolution of 6 hours is foreseen as a contribution for the IERS inter-technique combination. The two mentioned new products are accessible at the common location of all other CODE GNSS analysis products : Best regards, The CODE AC Team