Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 17:25:14 +0900 From: Yuki Hatanaka User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070221) To: Subject: [IGSMAIL-5609]: Release of updated compression software for RINEX ver. 2 & 3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-igsmail Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Electronic Mail 06 Jun 01:25:56 PDT 2007 Message Number 5609 ****************************************************************************** Author: Yuki Hatanaka Dear colleagues, I would announce a release of an updated version of the RINEX compression programs which can compress observation files in RINEX format version 3.00 (IGS mail #5478) as well as those in RINEX version 2.xx format. A new version of the Compact RINEX format is also created for this update. The new software is available from GSI's server by anonymous ftp: By accessing the above directory, you will find package files for several OS type: RNXCMP_4.0.1_[OS type].tar.gz RNXCMP_4.0.1_Windows.tar (*.tgz is tar-archived and compressec by gzip) Binaries compiled for the corresponding OS types, documents and tools are contained in each of the above packages. For users who need to build binaries for their own platform, a package of source code of the programs is also available: RNXCMP_4.0.1_src.tar.gz Read the instruction in the software document RNXCMP.txt for the installation and compilation. Followings are brief comments on some features of the new format and software. - The compression format: The new Compact RINEX format, version 3.0, is an modified version of the Compact RINEX format version 1.0, and designed to compress only RINEX format version 3.00 files. It means that the new format is not for RINEX version 2.xx. Compact RINEX format version 1.0 is kept to be used for the RINEX version 2.xx files as in the past: RINEX version 2.xx <--> Compact RINEX version 1.0 RINEX version 3.xx <--> Compact RINEX version 3.0 The new format is perhaps applicable to the future RINEX version 3.xx as far as the basic structure of the format will not be changed. - The compression software: The updated version, 4.0.1, of RNX2CRX and CRX2RNX was developed. These programs are designed to process both the new and old formats in the same manner. The usage is mostly the same as the former version but slightly different for options for error handling. See the document of the software (RNXCMP.txt) or the help message for detail. When applied to RINEX version 2.xx files, the running speed is even faster than the former version, 2.4.3. Finally, I would express my thank to people who agreed to try a test version of the software to see if any trouble was found during the test period. Best Regards, Yuki ---------------------------------------------------- Yuki Hatanaka, Ph.D, Geographical Survey Institute e-mail : ----------------------------------------------------