Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 14:10:10 -0900 Subject: [IGSMAIL-4318]: New version of ClockPrep program From: Jeff Freymueller To: Message-Id: <> Sender: owner-igsmail Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS Electronic Mail 20 Mar 15:22:44 PST 2003 Message Number 4318 ****************************************************************************** Author: Jeff Freymueller Users of the ClockPrep program, I have just released a new version of my program ClockPrep (version 1.90, 3/10/2003). The previous version was dated exactly one year ago. Some of you may have a much older version on your systems. Some of you are aware that ClockPrep had problems with Trimble (and some Ashtech) RINEX files that were created as hourly files, and then merged. In the case of Trimble files, this resulted in jumps in the phase at every hour, which result in cycle slips when processed. The exact reason for this takes some explaining, so I'll skip it (email me if you really want to know), but the bottom line is that a file made from merging several rinex files is not the same as a file in which the raw files are merged before rinexing. Last month, Kristine Larson figured out a solution to this problem. It is necessary to keep track of the number of millisecond offsets separately for the code and phase observables. I have implemented Kristine's fix, generalized it a bit, and it passes all of my test case files so I believe it is reliable. For files that were not constucted by merging hourly rinex files, this version should give the same result as the previous version. The source code, sun and Linux executables are located at: Please let me know if you have any problems with this version. Jeff Dr. Jeffrey T. Freymueller Office: 907-474-7286 Geophysical Institute Fax: 907-474-7290 University of Alaska, Fairbanks Home: 907-479-3550 PO Box 757320 Cell: 907-322-7632 Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320 email: or URL: Download Alaska GPS data: