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Subject: [IGS-RTWG-17] RTIGS Support of New GPS Codes and other GNSS
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 13:16:04 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Thread-Topic: RTIGS Support of New GPS Codes and other GNSS
Thread-Index: AcfZ38zIMObrmwBvR6yFW+NO3yjBdQ==
From: "MacLeod, Ken" <>
To: <>
Sender: owner-igs-rtwg
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IGS-RTWG Mail      08 Aug 10:16:10 PDT 2007      Message Number 17

Author: Ken MacLeod

Working Group Members

I would like to request your input concerning the design and
implementation of a new RTIGS observation format (lets call it RTIGS II
) that supports the new GPS Codes and other GNSS constellations.

To get the discussion started I've listed some of the basic GNSS
observation format requirements below:

1) Support for GPS, Glonass and future GNSS constellations
2) Support for all observations available from each GNSS constellation
3) Format structure that allows for the addition of new observations
within constellations
4) Observation numerical precision required for RTIGS and IGS
5) Observation Data compression
6) Support for GNSS receiver events such as: cycle slips, clock resets
and tracking loop status etc

The RTIGS II format should also have the followings support/features:

1) Available - data analysis and RINEX file conversion utilities
2) Publicly - available format documentation
3) Open source tools for encoding and decoding messages

We would like to specify the requirements of the new RTIGS observation
data format by the end of September of this year. Later in the fall the
project will move to the format definition and implementation stage.

If you  are interested in contributing to the design and implementation
of the new RTIGS II observation format please let me know.



Ken MacLeod
Survey Engineer
Natural Resources Canada,
Geodetic Survey Division,
615 Booth Street, Rm 464
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Phone 613-943-8092
Fax   613-995-3215