Content-class: urn:content-classes:message Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Subject: [IGS-DCWG-50] Using mirror at IGS DCs? Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 14:59:00 +0200 Message-ID: <371BE82A03680E4087F343D5C9883D8D0210E509@FS029EXCH.bkg> Thread-Topic: Using mirror at IGS DCs? Thread-Index: AciaQXqIdfWQfQEvT2agptL5EfS/aA== From: To: Sender: owner-igs-dcwg Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** IGS-DCWG Mail 09 Apr 05:59:12 PDT 2008 Message Number 50 ****************************************************************************** Author: Heinz Habrich / BKG Refer to IGS-DCWG Mail No. 49 We use "rsync" for remote sychronisation between two directories. I found "rsync is a replacement for mirror and rcp", but other people told me mirror is a replacement of rsync. Anyway, rsync copies files and directories between two hosts, utilising a minimum amount of bandwidth by sending only the data that it needs to send to synchronise the source and destination. With respect to the IGS DCs this tool fulfills only one part of the task to synchronise between two IGS DCs. Other important questions remain open, e.g., does one DC allow another DC to overwrite (delete) existing files? How could we update the data holding summary files or SQL data base files after running the rsync or mirror program? How do we synchronise other meta data? How do we prevent that a new (but corrupt) file will replace all existing (but correct) files by running rsync or mirror. Beside the mentioned open questions, we made positive experience with using rsync at BKG. Heinz Habrich Dr. Heinz Habrich ________________________ Referat G2/Abteilung G Bundesamt f|r Kartographie und Geoddsie Richard-Strauss-Allee 11, 60598 Frankfurt am Main Telefon: +49 69 6333-267 Fax: +49 69 6333-425 E-Mail: Internet: