Message-ID: <502CB4FAC7DBD111B3300080C81EDC9D7956DA@farina>
From: Andrew Last <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: [IGLOSMAIL-157] R100 Receiver Problems
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 09:53:26 -0000
Sender: owner-iglosmail
Precedence: bulk

IGLOS Electronic Mail      14 Dec 01:53:26 PST 2000   Message Number 157

Author: Andrew Last

Dear 3S User Colleagues,

I received the message from Jon Clarke at NPL yesterday and felt as part of
IGLOS through our 3S receiver at the SLR facility at Herstmonceux, UK it was
worth responding to Jon as an IGLOS mail in case the information is useful
to other 3S users.

The message "error 100: DOWNLOAD ERROR: PC_MSG_TX_FAILED 2" which you are
seeing Jon is related to DSP tracking card 2.  You might have also seen the
message "error 100: DOWNLOAD ERROR: PGM_CHECKSUM_ERROR n" where n is a
number usually between 0 and the number of DSP cards you have but
occasionally a very large number eg 25468.  The way to fix this problem is
to firstly check the card indicated ie card 2 (remember they are numbered
from 0 upwards with 0 being the card connected to the RF unit) is properly
seated in the backplane by removing and replacing it and then to check the
top connectors are properly seated.  If this does not fix the problem I
suggest you replace card 2 with the last DSP card eg card 5 if you have a
6-channel rx.  To do this you will need to note the DSP dip switch settings
and change them accordingly so the cards can be swapped.  Once completed
switch on and try again.  Sometimes this fixes the problem but often if the
card is faulty the message will change to indicate that the last card is now
faulty eg "error 100: DOWNLOAD ERROR: PC_MSG_TX_FAILED 5".  If this occurs
you will need to edit firstly R100def.cmd and place a backslash at the start
of the line with the text BOARD_CONFIG=n where n is the number of the faulty
card. Secondly, edit the file Chnl.cmd and place a backslash on the line
beginning with the BOARD_ID equal to the number of the faulty card.  If the
receiver works I suggest you leave it a few days before attempting to remove
the backslashes and use the card again.  Often the problem seems to have
gone away but if it remains you can be fairly sure that the DSP card has
developed a fault.

Hope this cures the problem.  If not email me back directly and I will try
and give you some more help.


Andrew Last (

Signal Computing Ltd.
Registered in London No 1672944
Tel:  +44 1483 579900	Fax: +44 1483 562836

20 Nugent Road, The Surrey Research Park,
Guildford, Surrey, GU2  7DF, UK.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Clarke [] 
Sent: 13 December 2000 10:45
To: IGLOS_Mail (E-mail)
Subject: [IGLOSMAIL-154] NPL R100 problem

IGLOS Electronic Mail      13 Dec 02:45:52 PST 2000   Message Number 154

Author: Jon Clarke 

Dear Colleagues, 

On Thursday 7 December, 21:53:47 UTC, our R100 NPLE "froze" and it has
not worked since. 

I have restarted it several times, but it is stuck in a loop: it
restarts automatically, starts running R100.cmd, halts, lists the
message "error 100: DOWNLOAD ERROR: PC_MSG_TX_FAILED 2", then restarts

I may try reinstalling the firmware if no other solutions present


Mr Jon Clarke                                 Time and Frequency
tel: +44 (0) 20 8943 6548  Centre for Electromagnetic and Time
fax: +44 (0) 20 8943 6529                   National Physical
e-mail:                     Queens Road,
web:                         TW11 0LW,