Subject: [AFREF-23] UNOOSA-STDM Bangkok Workshop Deadline 27 September To: Message-ID: From: "David STEVENS" Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 13:26:42 +0200 Sender: owner-afref Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** AFREF Mail 06 Sep 09:00:54 PDT 2002 Message Number 23 ****************************************************************************** Author: David Stevens Dear Colleagues, Hope all is well. Workshop in Bangkok - Just a reminder that the next UN Regional Workshop on Space Technology for Disaster Management will be held in Bangkok from 11-15 November for the benefit of countries in Asia and the Pacific (specifically the countries that are within ESCAP's region). If you are planning to go the deadline for you to send in your application is September 27th, particularly important if you are requesting funding support to attend. Check the following website for more information and the application form: Africa Workshop (Addis Ababa) - The presentations for this workshop are already up on the website (at the same URL indicated above). All the participants are at the moment jointly revising the draft Plan-of-Action. If you would like to receive this draft version in order to give us your contributions to this important structure please let me know: UNOOSA-STDM Discussion List - We have put together a Discussion List (hosted by UNGIWG) to support all the Regional Networks that are being created at each workshop. So far we have the African Regional Network and the Latin American and Caribbean one. If you want to participate or just stay in the loop of what is happening in the area of space technology and disaster management in developing countries just go to the following website and sign-up. DFD Workshop - Satellites in the Service of Humanitarian Relief and Disaster Mitigation - A Workshop for Decision Makers and Field Practitioners. More information for this upcoming activity can be found at the following website Vacancies UNDCP - There are two job opening (L4s) for experts in the area of remote sensing and GIS with plenty of experience in agricultural surveys and field work. One in Afghanistan and the other one in Myanmar. Both are excellent opportunities. I have worked in both countries and all I can say is that both jobs are really challenging, rewarding and worthwhile. Check them out at: Hope to see you all in Bangkok .... or perhaps at the following workshop which will be held in Romania in 2003 for the benefit of all Eastern and Central European countries. Warmest regards, David David Stevens Office for Outer Space Affairs United Nations Office at Vienna Tel (Office) ++43-(1)-26060-5631 FAX (Office) ++43-(1)-26060-5830 E-Mail Web Site for Space Technology and Disaster Management Space Technology and Disaster Management - Workshop for Asia and the Pacific Region - 11-15 November 2002