Subject: [AFREF-22] STDM - May Updates To: "David STEVENS" Message-ID: From: "David STEVENS" Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 12:09:33 +0200 Sender: owner-afref Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** AFREF Mail 16 May 09:20:32 PDT 2002 Message Number 22 ****************************************************************************** Author: David Stevens SPACE TECHNOLOGY AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT MAY/2002 UPDATE Dear Colleagues, Hope all is well. Tomorrow is the last day to submit applications to the UN Regional Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Disaster Management for Africa to be held in Addis Ababa from 1-5 July. If you still haven't sent in your application and are planning to or have done so only recently could you please let me know by sending me an email so we will not count you out when deciding next week the preliminary list of participants. The Application Form and the Information Note (in English and French) can be found on our website We expect to have a preliminary list of the chosen 120 participants by May 27. We will then send out an email out to all selected participants. If you are self funded you will be receiving soon after an official Letter of Invitation with further details. If you have requested funding support in order to participate you will have to wait until the decision is made as to which participants will be receiving funding support. This decision should be made by June 7. We already have applications from participants coming from 35 countries, 10 from outside of Africa. For my colleagues in Canada next week there will be a Conference on Space Applications for Sustainable Development organised by CIDA-CSA and co-sponsored by UNOOSA. Registration is free and the meeting will take place at the Sheraton Four Points, Hull, Quebec from 21-22 May. Further information can be obtained at the following email or going to their website I will be attending the United Nations Geographic Information Working Group - UNGIWG meeting from 17-19 June at the World Bank, Washington, D.C.. Hope to see many of my UN partners there. If you haven't registered yet you should do so at their website (be patient with this site as it is down quite often) Last topic I wanted to mention this month is the upcoming GDIN Global Disaster Information Network Conference to be held in Rome next month from 17-21 June. This is a major event. If you are involved in disaster management in any way you should consider participating or at least getting hold of the outcome of the discussions. Further information can be found on the conference website: Next month will be the kick-off of the preparations for the UN Regional Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Disaster Management for Asia and the Pacific, which will take place in Bangkok from 11-15 November 2002. The Information Package will be ready and posted on both websites (UNOOSA and ESCAP). If you are considering going to this workshop then the sooner we know the better. Best regards to all of you, David David Stevens Programme Officer Office for Outer Space Affairs United Nations Office at Vienna Tel 43-1-26060-5631 FAX 43-1-26060-5830 E-Mail Web Site for Space Technology and Disaster Management