Message-Id: Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 09:27:01 +0200 From: "Richard Wonnacott" To: Subject: [AFREF-15] Fwd: AFREF (South) News Dec 2001 Sender: owner-afref Precedence: bulk ****************************************************************************** AFREF Mail 01 Jan 23:29:20 PST 2002 Message Number 15 ****************************************************************************** Author: Richard Wonnacott Dear Friends, Just a short note to bring you up to date with Afref. By now you should have received a letter from Prof Sanso, the President of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), which each country can use to obtain official backing and commitment for the project. Should you not have received the letter please let either myself or Prof Sanso ( know so that arrangements can be made to send a copy to you. We will need the name and postal address of the person to whom the letter is to be sent. Ludwig Combrinck and I have prepared two proposals for the distribution of permanent GPS stations for the region and these are attached for your comment. The one proposal is based on an even distribution of points throughout the region while in the second the points are generally situated at major cities and towns. The proposal based on an even distribution is perhaps the ideal and depends very much on good communications and security at the indicated site. We unfortunately do not know what the conditions are like at each site and will depend very much on your input. Please note that these are proposals only and should feel you that the selected sites are unsuitable for whatever reason, e.g. poor communication links, lack of security or stability of site, difficult access etc., please contact either Ludwig or myself. I have also attached a copy of the IGS standards for stations for information. It is understood that a United Nations Workshop on GNSS applications is to be held in Zambia in July 2002. The UN organiser of this workshop has been contacted and Ruth Neilan has suggested that an Afref workshop will fit in very well with the overall objective of the event. Perhaps Raynold Moyo in Zambia could provide the Steering Committee with more information. As I said at the start of this note it is just a short note. Should you have any news or views please contact the group so that we may share our information. All the very best for the festive season and best wishes for the New Year. Richard R T Wonnacott Director : Survey Services Chief Directorate : Surveys and Mapping Private Bag X10 Mowbray 7705 SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 21 685 4070 Fax: +27 21 689 1351